LSI Europe '22

Keynote and Panels

The VC Outlook with Sofinnova Partners Chairman Antoine Papiernik

September 21 7:15-7:55 pm

A discussion with one of our industry's most prolific investors and visionaries.  Where are we headed?

Keynote: A Conversation with Siemens Healthineers CEO Bernd Montag

September 22 8:05-8:45 am

Join us for our keynote fireside chat with one of our industry's most inspiring leaders to discuss technology, people, and breakthroughs in healthcare.

Medtronic's Bold New Digital Vision: Disruption in Medtech for the Everyday World

September 23 8:00-8:40 am

In this session, we'll explore Medtronic's ambitious new plans to find the moonshots that can deliver breakthrough impacts.

Healthcare Innovation Clusters: Solving Healthcare’s Most Complex Challenges

September 22 11:15-11:55 am

How a collaboration of health systems, physicians, early stage innovators and strategics are joining forces to solve the most complex healthcare challenges we face today.

Medtech Venture Investing in the Current Climate

September 22 2:00-2:40 pm

A lively discussion with 4 leading VCs about how the current climate is impacting (or not impacting) their investment strategies and targets.

CEO Spotlight: Leadership, Innovation, & Raising Capital in a Challenging Market

September 22 1:10-1:50 pm

This panel will explore the innovation and capital raising paths of 4 leading innovators featured at LSI Europe.

Bench to Bedside: Why What We're Doing Matters

September 23 5:00-6:00 pm

A conversation with a world renowned cardiac surgeon and legendary innovator.  Why does what we do matter?  Where can (and should) we go as an industry?

Digital Transformation and the Impact of VR/AR Technologies on Medtech

September 22 2:00-2:40 pm

A discussion about medtech's digital transformation.

Evolving Global Digital & Marketplace Models

September 23 1:10-1:50 pm

Tech stacks, as we all experience in every aspect of our consumer lives, allow us to review data to make purchase decisions. These are now coming to Medtech and will transform traditional sales processes while dramatically cutting costs for customers and manufacturers.

EU & UK - What's My Route to Market? Class 1 to Class III

September 22 1:10-1:50 pm

A critical analysis of the routes to market for the EU and UK, and the requirements around clinical evaluation.  Discussion about Notified or Approved body input and critical post market considerations.  This session is vital for anyone looking to build an understanding of they key principles and requirements, smoothing the regulatory path, and avoiding pitfalls along the way.

Talent Management Strategies: Attraction, Efficiency, & Retention

Track 3

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA

Panelist TBA

Trusted By The Companies Pioneering What’s Next