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Sep 27, 2019

Focus On Medtech Sectors With Healthy Growth: Wearable Diagnostics

Focus On Medtech Sectors With Healthy Growth: Wearable Diagnostics


With a growing focus on the global need for healthcare that is affordable and accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world, comes a look at technologies that are designed to lessen the gap between quality care and individuals outside of developed cities and countries.

It makes sense, then, that major technology-based corporations have begun to explore pathways into the healthcare market. Just look at Apple’s iPhone, which includes a built-in app that can track daily activity levels while maintaining necessary healthcare information that may need to be shared in an emergency. 

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There are numerous reasons that wearable diagnostics attracts both healthcare providers and patients, but predominantly, tracking this health data allows providers to see what happens in between patient visits. This can make diagnoses more accurate and care routines more tailored to how each patient functions outside of the doctor’s office.

But wearable tech can also be lifesaving when it comes to people with chronic illness. Managing symptoms and flare-ups can be disorienting on patients, and both cost and other factors prevent most people from being able to visit their doctor multiple times a month, let alone multiple times each week. For many providers that treat individuals with chronic diseases, wearable tech makes management easier on everyone. 

One factor that makes wearables crucial in long-term disease management is that often, patients need to make lifestyle changes to improve their symptoms. For example, patients with diabetes may need to incorporate more exercise and a better diet into their routines; wearable tech will help providers make sure these changes have been made well before the next doctor's visit.