Global Medtech Market

Year-End Review & 2021 Forecast

New 2021 Report Available Now

This report analyzes the impact COVID-19 has had on the global medtech market and forecasts what to expect in 2021. The “second wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic is delaying the recovery of the global economy as well as the global medtech market. This new report provides updated year-end 2020 forecasts for each segment of the global medical devices & diagnostics (MD&D) market, by major technology segment and major geography. The report quantifies our pre-COVID 2020 forecasts against our new post-COVID 2020 year-end data, and forecasts the expected impact/recovery of each segment for 2021. Each forecast is accompanied by assessments of significant developments in each technology and geographic segment, including positive and negative trends. The report also includes a detailed exposure analysis, by company, for over 50 key MD&D suppliers.

Questions Answered:

  • What was the impact of COVID-19 on each medtech segment in 2020?
  • What will happen in 2021?
  • Will markets rebound? How quickly and when?
  • How have surgical procedure volumes been impacted? When will they rebound?
  • How has the competitive landscape been impacted?
  • What was the exposure to each supplier?
  • More.

Option 1 - Purchase One-Off Report

Find out what happened in 2020 and get our latest 2021 forecasts for each medical device & diagnostic segment.

  • Immediate PDF Download
  • Market Forecasts by Technology
  • Market Forecasts by Major Geography
  • Competitive Landscape Analysis & Company Assessments
  • Ask the Analyst Support
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covid 19 impact tracker

Option 2 – Purchase COVID Tracker Subscription

Leveraging our decades of experience tracking procedure volumes and global medtech markets, we’ve dedicated our most senior resources to analyzing the impact that the coronavirus is having on markets, procedure volumes and the competitive landscape.

  • Immediate PDF Download of Year-End Report PLUS 12 Month Subscription Including Ongoing Market Surveillance and Update Reports
  • Regularly Updated Data & Analysis to Reflect Ongoing Changes
  • Procedure Volumes Analysis by Region/Country (elective vs. non-elective)
  • Unlimited Ask the Analyst Support
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