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Thomas Nichols Presents Pretika MedTech at LSI USA '23

Pretika MedTech is reimagining outpatient and inpatient care with AI-powered Connected Wound Care technology.
Thomas Nichols
Thomas Nichols
President,Pretika MedTech


Thomas Nichols  0:05  

Thank you Pretika MedTech, we're focused on merging science with connected technology. From our standpoint, the future of wound care is connected and data driven. Pretika MedTech delivers embedded connected wound care technology to monitor acute wound, post surgery, healing and chronic diseases remotely or in person without having to remove the dressings, bandages, wraps, or casts. Were all about improving patient care, providing better health outcomes and lowering the cost of care by embedding a device within the wound care dressings that can send up via a Wi Fi six antenna images and data sensor analytics to the EHR system into that patient profile. So it can be monitored by the clinicians and outpatient nursing teams. The standard approach to monitoring acute and chronic wounds is currently ineffective and costly in today's healthcare system. There are only two methods, you have point of care where the patient is in an inpatient placement within the hospital or within the doctor's office, or they're in an outpatient monitoring mode, where it requires a trained nursing team member to go visit. And both cases, the wound dressings have to be removed to be able to look at the healing process. Why it's an effective is because 6.5 million Americans are affected by chronic wounds each year. And that has an impact of $25 billion on the health care system. Also on the acute side, we have 5.4 million surgeries that are performed annually, which has a potential impact of $10 billion in terms of cost for acute surgical infections. So the driver here is to save money within the healthcare system. So our solution, it's a breakthrough non invasive embedded wound care monitoring device, connected wound care technology. It's utilizing micro medical technology, in terms of its components from imaging, to autofocus lens, Wi Fi, six and Tanna sensors, IC chip, all built into a very small device that's disposable, single use, ultra thin and lightweight, and also has the latest in IT and security and cyber security standards built in it. And this is a device that's embedded within the wound care dressings. It's configurable, and that loads on demand or through a programmed software. So that can look clinicians can access the images and data in real time or be alerted. And it integrates to, eh, our systems, data and patient records easily. Or advantage. Connected Wound Care Technology is a disruptor. In the digital device monitoring segment, we bring high resolution imaging and real time data on demand to the wound care monitoring segment. And this delivers more metrics that are important for the diagnosis and detecting from the clinician side. It's a seamless integration into the EHR system. It has cost savings to the health care system. And we prevent costly and timely outpatient trips by the nursing teams and a risk of impatient and risk of infections within the patients. And it's preventative. It's capturing data and analytics through imaging on chronic diseases that oftentimes it's too late when the pain is felt by the patient. But our work connected wound care technology can capture that type of infection before the patient even feels the pain. So a great preventative aspect to our technology. When you look at the target market, the patient monitoring device market is $55.1 billion. When we look at the digital healthcare segment, that market it represents $44 billion. So it's significant when you look in terms of remote patient monitoring, and the impacts it has on a global market. We're looking at a $2.7 billion US market potential for taking this new embedded connected Wound Care Technology. algae into the remote patient monitoring field. There's a white space there, no one is in it, except for particular med tech. Intellectual property is a driver to the success of any medical technology devices. We have us and PCT patent applications pending. We completed an extensive patentability search that showed an incredible whitespace for embedded technologies for imaging and sensor. That's non invasive for wound monitoring. But more importantly, we're doing a track one, three months in to be able to determine really the position that we have and the strength, we have 162 claims altogether, and we've taken under track one to 30 top claims, and within another six month period of time, we'll know exactly how strength we have within our position for IP, very much a driver Knobbe Martens is a team behind it. And we have a great partner team of partners and James who can hop on the device side, and Jeremy Kearney on the AI and software technology side. FDA regulatory, it's definitely a 510 K path. But what's unique is in the camera side, it's all class one. But yet, because we're an embedded camera, we have the implications of really being a class two device. And there's no predicate substantial equivalent for class two in the FDA system, so we are working with the FDA for them to review this, we presented a de novo pre sub, they came back and said, I believe, since you already meet the wound care dressing class two, and the communications class two, that we can work with you based upon clinical and IRB testing, to get a class two designation for an embedded imaging device. The competitive landscape, our connected wound care technology is the only device that provides embedded imaging and technology and information really important. There are many players out there with digital devices that are taking images with the wound dressings cast removed, we now can do it by being embedded, traction and timeline. We're looking at FDA completed by November of 2023. And we're looking at being in the marketplace by 2025. And definitely 2026. We look at projections, I mean, the key driver is great growth, we're looking at being a $426 million dollar revenue base by 2029. But more importantly, the EBITDA percentages from our start launch in 2025 at an EBITDA of 48% extending out to 66% by 2029. So a great market to be into. We're asking for $800,000 as a safe agreement, in terms of an $800,000 seed convertible note, converts into a series a at a 10% discount based on an $8 million valuation. And what's important is we're doing all of this de risking. We're currently investing self funding to be able to create the IP strategic portfolio that's required. The FDA portfolio that's required and the medical reimbursement coding that's required. We have a great team. We have on the FDA side. Kevin Ko on a reimbursement coding side Dr. Daniel Lace in terms of clinicals we have telehealth, okay, and in terms of the medical device technology and software and programming, Samer Treme. Be a disrupter and connected care. That's what we're all about. We want to drive connected wound care technology, being the first embedded wound care monitoring solution for acute and chronic wound monitoring, real time data and alerts. So we want to thank you very much. We want you to be a part of this breakthrough technology and improving patient comfort and care providing better health health outcomes and lowering cost of care. Thank you very much.


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