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Thomas Graham, Triple Ring Technologies - Life Sciences Co-Development Company | LSI USA '24

Triple Ring Technologies partners with clients in medtech, life sciences, and sustainability & the environment to create new technologies, launch innovative projects, and start new ventures.
Thomas Graham
Thomas Graham
, Triple Ring Technologies

Thomas Graham  0:05  
I'm gonna just spend a couple minutes introducing Triple Ring. It's gonna kind of be a flash forward two minute session, so hang on to your seats. So what are we about? Triple ring is a product development in technology development consultancy. What makes us different is we really are on the science side of product, of the product development matrix, not the just the device side. We encompass both, but we have we're very heavily engaged in merging science into into products. So much of today is you have advanced technology that is being introduced into the product field, and we have the teams and the people that in our group that do that integration. We live literally at the intersection of science, technology and engineering. So we're constantly developing new products for clients like yourself that engage really cutting edge physics, science and in biological technologies. I want you to think of us as the three R's, okay, the three the three rings research. Realization, so product development and realization, and then regulatory providing you leading quality and compliance systems, whether it's DHR, whether it's, you know, design history file, whether it's getting your DMR in place for your manufacturing. We have a whole solution set available for you now. We specialize in startups. We have incubator sites on site in our facilities. So we have a lot of incubation companies that over 50 of them that are in our facility in Boston, as well as our headquarters in Silicon Valley. So we really understand the startup mentality and so that, I hope that gives you a little bit of a picture as to who we are and what we do. We like to say we turn science into commercial success. So we have six areas that we specialize in diagnostic technology, in vitro technologies, medical devices, imaging, advanced technologies that are really cutting edge, drug delivery and then consumer, consumer health products. Our capabilities are vast. Now we have 20 we have 125 employees throughout the two facilities, and within that, we have 28 PhDs. So a lot of firepower that can that engages that science side of the of the business, whether it's biologics, whether it's a physics equation, whether it's a diagnostic device that requires assay development, we have those technologies in house. So we support a vast amount of startups through our we do a lot of grants, a lot of BARDA grants, a lot of adhp grants. It's in our we also have a funding network where we also can provide direction for getting new funding available as well. So our domain expertise and each of that you see here, whether it's a complex system, microphyletics, optical, we have teams internal to triple ring that focus on these particular capabilities. So it might be you have a new diagnostic device. You need an optical sensor to that can actually get down to a PICO leader level, type sensitivity. We have those teams in place you might need a wearable. We have those teams in place that have wearable experience. We develop sensors all the time, and we also do a variety of chemistry and electrophysiology as well as robotics in an AI. Here's a sample of some of our products that we produced our along with the capabilities we also have industrial design in house as well as human factors, so we can really take it from all the way to from the beginning of the design cycle to to being able to get you a clinical, usable device. We find that, in our experience, nothing is impossible. It's always possible if we if we're doing it together. Thank you for your time.

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