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Susan Posner, Health Advances - Consultants for Life Science Companies | LSI USA '24

As a trusted strategic advisor to healthcare and life science executives, Health Advances catalyze their clients’ success with insight, innovation, and integrity.

Susan Posner  0:03  
Good morning. How's everyone today? I'd like to thank LSI for putting on another great event. It's exciting to be here. We're thrilled to be sponsors and just be here once again to feel all the energy and the innovation around us in this industry. So health advances. We're a strategy consulting firm across healthcare sectors. We've been in business for over 30 years, and we work with our clients to support them to grow their businesses. At the end of the day, we want our clients to be successful and grow and this can happen from any stage of development or life cycle of a client, whether it be looking at that new product opportunity and how to best position yourself for growth, to thinking about market access implications or business development strategies, or corporate strategy, product strategy, and all of the above, we like to pair with you and work closely to help solve these needs. Our medtech practice has also been a foundation of health advances and core to what we do for this 30 years experience. We really believe it's our experience that sets us apart. We in the last 10 years alone have done over 1000 projects with 400 clients, and we understand the nuances of medtech. We understand the market access, nuances, how care settings are changing, how you've got multi stakeholders that you must position your product, develop evidence for whether that's clinical or economic, and how that decision making comes together. We do this with a breadth of resources which we've built since our foundation so that it can benefit our projects. And that includes industry leading resources, such as a database of project work that's nonproprietary, of course, as well as resources and data sets we have over we have access to one of the largest claims databases, including 300 million lives, 8 billion claims annually, and an extensive network of executives, administrators, clinicians, that we can tap For all of our projects. We also have the regulatory and clinical expertise of par Excel that we can bring to bear on projects as needed, our senior leadership team, they bring a wealth of experience, years of project experience, industry experience across medtech, digital, H, I T, can really cover just about any indication out there. There's not really anything we haven't seen. We love working with all of the innovative products as as well as that that next great Gosh, this is simple, but we really needed that these, these project leaders are supported. These client leaders are supported by project leaders who also have device experience. And our teams bring experience with us as well. So we're happy to to partner with you and others as you think about your needs and your strategies and how we can support you globally our senior leadership while we we stay with the project. We don't disappear at the end, because while we love to come to meetings like this, we also really enjoy our project work and getting involved with the teams. So if you have any questions, reach out, and I wish everybody a very successful conference. You.

LSI Europe ‘24 is filling fast. Secure your spot today to join Medtech and Healthtech leaders.

September 16-20, 2024 The Ritz-Carlton - Sintra, Portugal Register arrow