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Shahram Sharif Presents Liva Healthcare at LSI Europe '23

The company's digital health platform provides users with personalized coaching and tailored lifestyle plans.
Shahram Sharif
Shahram Sharif
CEO, Liva Healthcare



Shahram Sharif  0:04  
Good morning everyone. My name is Shahram Sharif and the CEO of Liva Healthcare. So Liva is a digital therapeutics and chronic disease management provider focusing on reversal, prevention and management and treatment of chronic disease conditions mostly lifestyle related and mostly the cardiometabolic area. We are commercial stage and we provide our treatments through a combination of software analytics, and intelligent behavior change that healthcare chain to deliver the prevention, management and reversal of chronic conditions. Together with our partners in life sciences, in public health, and insurance companies, we are providing our treatments through a value based care model, mostly outcome based and value based, which is one of the ways we significantly differentiate ourselves from other lifestyle related well being and digital health companies without evidence. That's important to mention. So what is the problem we're actually addressing? Today, one out of three people worldwide have chronic diseases. And this is leading to about 30 million deaths annually, which is the leading cause of cause of death death. In the next decade, around half million people are going to be added to that which is costing healthcare about 80% of all the budget. If you look at the main four leading chronic diseases, there are costing two trillions annually, so this is significant for the health care as a burden. Now, importantly, about 80% of all these chronic diseases are lifestyle related, and many of them can be properly treated, manage and even reversed. And that's where we were focusing on. So the way we provide our treatments is through the combination of software data analytics, augmented by intelligent behavior science, lead coaching, which has been proven to create outcomes that are unparalleled compared to other types of treatments, especially standard on digital therapeutics. So the main components of the technology platform are basically three elements. There is a patient facing app, which patients use to collect their data, either through wearables, CGM, for example, to measure blood glucose levels, or self inserted, data is transferred to the portal where healthcare professionals can track the progress of the patients, and the goals that are set to change their lifestyle, either exercise, diet, or anything else. And there is an analytics engine that continuously analyzes data coming from every patient in order to personalize every treatment pathway. Now, we're not a one trick pony. So so far, we have commercialized three different treatments for obesity, pre diabetes, and diabetes type two. But we have created a platform as such, that allows us to create and develop additional treatments for other cardio metabolic areas, for example, hypertension, or hyperlipidemia. So all the necessary components are created in a platform style. So we can be a platform play, including the technology elements, the science, lead coaching elements, of course, we are a medical device so that we can play in the regulated space, and the AI analytics that allows us to personalize every treatment pathway. The way we utilize technology, and combined with human health, coaching for behavior change is one of our secret sauces. We're continuously striving to find that sweet spots in how much technology and how much human coaching in order to drive the maximum engagement with our patients. And, and the outcome. So that's basically our strive. It's not all about technology. Obviously, if you put a lot of technology is highly scalable, but outcomes are poor. If you give someone a you know, full time health coach will probably get the best outcome, but it's not scalable. So it's all about finding a rights, component and sweet spots. And with that, because because of having the human human element there, we have millions of data points on how coaches interact with the patients, which then allows us through machine learning to mimic more and more of that interaction with the technology. But we'll always keep that combination and always keep trying to find that sweet spot driving the best possible outcomes at the lowest possible cost so that we can scale that. Now what you're really proud of, as I mentioned earlier, is our clinical evidence. There are very few players in our space that actually have a clinical evidence for these kinds of treatments. A lot of digital health companies are more of a wellness type of companies without evidence base. So we have seven RCT studies, observational studies that underpin our treatments and how we deliver these. Most notably, and this is something astonishing a lot of even physicians, when they see this, they can't believe them. So when it comes to type two diabetes, we reverse almost four out of 10 patients completely off their medication back to normal ranges of HPV and C, pre diabetes, almost one out of two patients, we can help them go into remission, 80% of all patients in our programs in pre diabetes, lower their blood glucose measures, and this is all through lifestyle change and behavior change. No pharmacologic involved similar results for weight loss. Everybody has heard about the GLP1, medicated weight loss programs these days, we can combine those but the results that we are showing here all without medication, we have actually shown that if we combine our lifestyle, technology driven programs with those medicated weight loss programs, we actually achieve even better outcomes in a more sustainable manner. So all that about the technology to products on the business side and commercial side. So we have been commercial stage since a number of years now. And we have also shown that we can expand the market and scale the delivery. So one of our key programs with NHS in the UK, which is a National Diabetes Prevention Program, we have significantly increased the number of patients that are being referred from GPS to us, we have increased the number of digitally driven programs instead of face to face. We have also improved the unit economics on treatment by treatment basis by a factor of more than four over the last couple of years by continues, as I mentioned earlier, finding that sweet spot between how much technology how much human led coaching. So with that we are ready for scale, we have a very clearly defined strategic growth plan across three different axes of growth as we call them. The first one is to expand our current treatments. The three evidence based treatments that we have two other geographies, we're currently servicing three geographies, Scandinavia, UK and Benelux we're looking to expand to France, Germany and Middle East. And in all these places, we have partners right now going through pilots with us. The second axis of growth is to expand through other channels, we're right now mostly strong in a reimbursement healthcare, public payers like NHS, we have pilots going on and a number of initial contracts within life science, space, and other partners. For example, retail, there is something big coming up very soon that hopefully we can announce retail provider actually bringing these kinds of treatments out there to their consumers, which is going to be really interesting. The third axis of growth that we see is additional treatments that we're developing. And we're currently having our clinical pipeline, all focused around cardio metabolites, because they all have the same underlying parameters, which are often heavily related to obesity. So currently, the three first treatments that are commercialized we have two or three others in the pipeline that we're like looking to expand to. So these are three axes of growth that we're looking at. So how does it look like so we're currently raising 10 million to enable us to grow through these three axes of growth, we're currently at around three and a half run rates, we aim to get to 40 million by 2027. And we are going to be profitable by 2025. So within the next two years, and that will allow us to go from 53,000 patients that we have currently treated to more than 300,000. So we hope that you could be part of that journey. There's a massive under investment in Europe, as most of us know, across digital health, if you compare Europe and US and that's why I think this is a tremendous opportunity for investors here in Europe to look at this space. If you look at the number of patients in cardiometabolic space, there are more of them in Europe, if you look at the whole digital health growth, they're similar. If you look at the growth rates, they're higher in Europe, yet there are more than five times capital gone into this space last year in the US compared to Europe. So we believe this is a tremendous growth, opportunity and investment opportunity for the investors in Europe. So I will wrap it up with with our team. I've been in this space of digital health and medtech for the last decade. This is my third venture. Our executive team has a tremendous background in the space of pharmaceuticals, medtech and healthtech across the board. were backed by a reputable investors like MIG in Germany, and at this, which are the investors behind the well known biontech and Pfizer. They did really well. Michelle Lucia, probably known to many of you recently joined our board as a chairman, supporting our further steps in growing so we hope you can be part of this journey going forward helping us to go from 50,000 patients treated to 300,000 over the next four years. Thank you.

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