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Scott Janssen, LS Associates - On Demand Leaders Through Every Stage of Growth | LSI USA '24

LS Associates provides on-demand, interim and fractional, life science leaders who are available to guide clients through every stage of growth or change management, from inception to maturity.

Scott Janssen  0:04  
Our mission is to provide talent to fractional and interim talent to our clients. What's keeping our clients up at night? We try to solve their problems. So we have, we have over 200 C level leaders who can immediately partner with your executive team and to fill in any gaps that you might have and come alongside you guys in a likable and courageous way to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourselves. Our area's expertise are pretty broad. They serve all the life science, med tech, biotech companies we have CFO, advisory, finance strategy, capital market raising abilities, IPO readiness, it's back. IPO readiness is back. So we have several clients who are working on with that, as the markets have opened back up corporate governance and strategy. So help in all areas, corporate governance strategy, some general counsel, type support, CLIN ops, CLIN dev as well. So very important aspect of of the of all of our clients, businesses, have somebody come alongside and augment your current team. We sometimes, we call it health checks. So come alongside to make sure you guys are moving along in the right direction, and then commercial strategy, as a lot of us have been talking about this entire conference. It's never too early to plan for your commercial strategy. Plan for success. Just last yesterday, we were on a panel pre and post FDA approval and what you want to be concerned about in your commercial strategy. Again, never too early to prepare for that. CFO advisory finance strategy and IPO readiness, one of our core service lines kind of shows the map we work from seed stage to and through IPOs. There are several different areas that that are important in this in this roadmap, I think one of the, one of the key, key pieces that we've talked about, again with IPO readiness and IPOs out there in the future, again with the with the markets opening up. Good example here is Business section writing, so coming alongside of the management team, making sure that the there's a business plan and there's what's called the Business Strategy business section. So that's something that's never too early to help with. And we have great, great track record, great services to provide in those areas, corporate governance and strategy. Bit of an eye chart just kind of highlight a few things, uh, compliance program development and risk management. I mean, that's some some areas. Some of these areas are left to the wayside because companies get really focused, as they should, on this technology science. And there's some of these areas that that don't seem that important, but are important. So again, provide fractional leadership. We can just come in where subject matter experts provide you, on an hourly basis, some help here, just to shore things up, make sure your foundation of your company is in good shape to provide that growth so you don't kind of have that Osho moment later on, once your technology science is looking good, you're ready for the next fundraise or an IPO. And there's some of these foundational building blocks that your company don't have. So we'd love to make sure you guys are preparing for success. Clinop operations, regulatory experience, again, a lot of times companies are focused on this. Sometimes they might not know the latest and greatest that's happening in the regulatory area. So we have experts who've been there, done that very recently, could come in and again, just maybe just do a health check, come alongside of your company and your team to make sure that you're following the latest protocols. And again, a lot of times, what we do in these areas also is take a look at, again, the foundational blocks for success, and make sure that you're laying out that roadmap for success. One thing I'm big fan of is plan for success. So you hear this a lot with our clients and with our associates, commercial strategy services, again, get your get your approval as you're heading towards approval, it's never too early to start on all these optimization and market access strategy I mean, that's something that you know. You say, Well, we'll just get we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Sometimes it's too late to start to cross that bridge. Let's plan, plan earlier, product development, execution and launch plans. I mean, these are, these are some key areas that, again, sometimes it's hard for a company to say, well, we need to get a seat Chief, Chief Commercial Officer in here sooner? It's probably too soon. The board might push back on that. Well, let's get you an associate to come alongside of your team on a fractional basis. One of our key differentiating factors besides the fact that we have over 200 associates working worldwide, our clients are from Tel Aviv to to Beijing. We are part of the lifecycle partner platform. So not only do you get access to our associates and our leadership team, and we we have an expression iron, sharpening iron within our own associate pool, but you also get access to the broad lifecycle partner network, investor relations, public relations, or we have a venture capital we do a half a dozen to a dozen. In Kol events and NDR events every week. So we're able to get you guys out to meet the right investors through our through our lifesite partner network. So again, there's a lot of value to be added with a firm of over 300 people behind our associates. And then this is our leadership team. There's several of us here, so if you have any questions, we'd be happy to to answer those questions after the session, there we go.

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