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Peter Schlecht, Braingrade - Intelligent Brain Implant | LSI Europe '22

Braingrade is developing an brain-machine interface intended to preserve brain health and enhance human cognition.
Peter Schlecht
Peter Schlecht
CEO & Founer, Braingrade


Peter Schlecht  0:00  

Are we at Braingrade, we want to overcome our limitations. And we want to help millions of Alzheimer patients. And I want to start with something very encouraging. Because this is actually the result of a patient with Alzheimer's, severe Alzheimer's prior to stimulation. And this is, after a 10 week therapy, what he was capable of reproducing. This patient could remember again, the names of his children. Unfortunately, most of you know, Alzheimer's still a huge problem. Many people have it not too many know that we even have fast increasing numbers in deaths in the last 19 or 20 years 145%. And we are facing today a $1.3 trillion problem. It will be soon a problem large as the GDP of the United Kingdom. And the problem is that drugs today give you from the time when you got your diagnosis to severe Alzheimer's, only one additional year. We believe that would imply an implant, we can extend this to 10 plus years. And resolution, head of Neurology at the surety says always if we just get five years, this already would be sensational. So how do we plan to do that? This is actually with a fully implantable, closed loop Neuro Stimulator. It is fully invisible under the skin. It's a next generation deep brain stimulator, you see four leads going into the brain. And with a stimulation unit in the chest. Professor Stone says this would be a real game changer. But this only the hardware, similar important are actually the stimulation algorithms were using for the patients. These are coming from one of my co founders, Dr. Christian Hoffman, he has been head of nerves, the rotec, at the largest research center, you leash in Germany. And he always says these are actually the patterns we could take over are the crown jewels of a patent portfolio, what they wanted to sell for 20 million. And luckily, now we have it and even nature, they got mentioned about the future of deep brain stimulation. But that's only one part because you also want to get and deliver this stimulation. And for that we've developed a new electrode. It's a HD electrode based on silicon carbide. And Elon Musk said last time at the presentation of neural link, how to solve the biggest problems. And he said as material science and silicon carbide is the best material. We agree and we are very happy that the guy is sitting to the left Felix, our CTO is now producing these electrodes for us. When you have all the data, you have to close the loop. And we are not only closing them on the electrophysiological data. We also want to close it from the data and the information we get from the patient. So you have this positive flywheel what is so difficult with meta devices, because it takes so long to develop them. But to get more data to improve therapy and with more therapy, you have more patients more patients, and again more data and so on and also created devices. Why would buyer electronics succeed? Where trucks and billions of research and development money in Alzheimer's has been failed today? It is because we directly interact and intervene with the brain. And not only try to improve biomarkers and then the electro physiology in the brain, but we do both and this will create clinical meaningful outcomes for the patients So how does it work? In the Alzheimer's brain, the oscillation, and this synchrony of specific brain waves break down, and we, through the stimulation, recreate them. So how does it look impractical? It's we're stimulating the cholinergic center of the brain, the nucleus, pathologists have may not. And this has multiple positive inflections for the brain, we are restoring the cholinergic tone, we are actually kick starting to use glucose metabolism, we are decreasing the top cognitive decline, and we even slow down brain atrophy. And last but not least, we improve what you saw in the first two slides, the memory and this has been proven in over 120 animal studies and over long time studies in humans. And we add to that kind of stimulation in the memory center, the hippocampus, the C one C three. And this again, gives kind of a memory boost. And it even in this case, animal models promotes neurogenesis and reduces amyloid better. This is mainly the work of our lead scientist and co founder Professor Hemsson at Wake Forest is started over the last 30 years. And he has shown the effects in over 60 patients and together with him, we have shown it in for patients. So if you sum it up, what you see here kinda is plotted your full capabilities at 30 on this scale. So now you see you're declining with Alzheimer's, but now you get the boost and we are reducing the slope dramatic dramatically. So means you can have many more happy years before you need any institutional care. This is the study we have done with Professor Hamsun. The results with four patients at Wake Forest. And we are now planning our next study with 12 patients with the University of Cologne we are very happy because they have conducted the most significant nucleus pathologists mine at stimulations, so for the other part before and they are as excited as we are. Last but not least, kind of when we follow the pathway for this class three device thanks to MCRA for checking our timeline we are in four and a half years at the market. Hold your horses, all investors, or then we will have a crate payout and create massively good. And the success rates with devices are way higher than what is known with drugs in comparison. This is also other parts of the team already learned about some of them. I also want to talk about some advices including the leaders of the world's leading neuro technology companies today. And now, for the next step for the study and the embodiment of the device. We are raising 5 million. We already have 1 million in the company from investors like AX ventures around Richard Soper and Stanford through and we have a cold lead for this. So there's a lot of money to earn. But we should finally close this gap in the market for Alzheimer devices. And then we can tap into this $92 billion market opportunity and very importantly, give patients many more years of happy lives. This moment there is my grandmother has been as she died, and I would have hoped that we could have gift her and have this happy years together with her. So I would welcome you kind of to join us on this mission. Thank you



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