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Paula Rutledge Presents Legacy Medsearch & Alzheimer's Association at LSI Europe '23

The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. Legacy MedSearch is a boutique recruitment firm focused exclusively on medical device careers.
Paula Rutledge
Paula Rutledge
Founder, Legacy MedSearch



Paula Rutledge  0:05  
Good morning. I don't know about you, but I was a little disappointed last night. I had been practicing for weeks and weeks to be part of the flamingo group when I injured my foot. So it was very disappointing. I know you guys were sorry, I wasn't there as well. So but what a wonderful night that was. I've gone to, I don't know, probably 500 or more conferences over the years. And this one just seems to outdo itself every single time. I'm Paula Rutledge, I'd like to spend just a few moments with you talking about something that everyone that's a startup company or an emerging company think needs to know. And that's how to choose a talent advisory firm. You know, there's a lot of recruiters that are out there a lot of search firms. But if you're new, and you're just getting started in the business, or even if you're expanding your business, I think it's important to know what questions to ask. So things I always tell folks are when someone calls you and you guys are getting a lot of recruiter calls I know is, you know, what do you know about our industry? What do you know about my business? What relevant experience do you have? What conferences are you going to tell me who my competitors are? Well, how do you what what's your process for looking at candidates? What's you know, what, what is your guarantee if things don't work out? And I think these are the questions that a lot of veterans don't know to ask. But it's something that I think candidates need to be aware of, because if a search firm is representing your company, then you need to make sure that you're putting on the best face. And you know, the other thing that that I think is interesting is, do they have accolades do they have, you know, do they know people in real life, it's expensive to travel to conferences, we go to about 20 a year. And you know, what I see the same faces at these conferences. So, you know, kind of enclosing, as you're talking about search firms, talk to the ones that are going to the conferences that you're going to, and that would include, you know, I see Joe and Holly it just about every meeting, I go to, Holly and I always have a glass of wine to talk about starting another business, because she's just so much fun. You know, Cavenaugh Health, I just met them here. I know that they're Europe base, Roger Brooks, I see him a lot of conferences, and of course, my firm. So I think the the bottom line is, choose a firm that you know, and choose a firm that knows you. And the ones that are here are a good place to start. I'd like to spend the rest of my time talking about not my business, not your business, but something that could affect each and every one of us. Many of you know that I wear hats in honor of my mom, my mom had 600 hats at one point pared down to 300 when she moved into assisted living, and I inherited all of her hats. And I started out doing it for a year just as an homage to her because she was the best. And now it's become my stick. So mom, thanks for the good marketing gimmick. But you know, Alzheimer's affects all of us. In one way or the other. I've quit asking people to raise their hand if they know someone who's been affected by dementia, because we all have. And in fact, you know, 55 million people globally are affected. One in three people over the age of 65 will be affected by dementia, either directly or through a family member. It's the thing that outside of cancer is the thing that we fear the most. And yet, there's the early detection is something that can really, really change the world. In fact, I'm going on a local affiliated television station, Orlando, I'm going to be tested live. I don't think I have Alzheimer's. But I have the predisposition from it from my mom. And I'm not afraid of Alzheimer's like I used to be. So again, I'm gonna speak to each of you personally, because it's something that, you know, it really does affect us. But early detection is the key. And in fact, one of the LSI family of companies AiraMed spelled A I R A Med just received FDA clearance last week for a process and AI processes software that can detect Alzheimer's or any dementia in three minutes, three minutes. So you think about the time between two and you're tested. And the time that you get the results and three minutes, it's using the standard MRI, it can even do a post processed MRI. So if you had an MRI a year ago for something else, they can put it through the site through their software system. It's available here in Europe has been for a while. But Tobias Lindig who is the Dr. Lindig, who is the founder and CEO gave a wonderful presentation. There are other companies a lot of LSI companies that have a working in this space right now. And again, I as a member of the Board of Directors of Alzheimer's Association in Florida, and the treatments are coming so far. You've seen all the the the drug treatments in the word Mab. So the lecanaman and all the ones that are coming out now. So I would encourage you if if you are concerned about or have an interest or contact me I've got a ton of information Cognito therapeutics, Kurve, Synaptica who is here today. And finally, I'm here for the last reason that's to raise money for Alzheimer's. You guys have seen my brochures that we've been putting. And I would encourage you, there's a big folder in here that tells all about this luxury, African Safari. So if you would, there's a QR code, I'll take cash, I'll take any type of currency you've got, I'll even take an IOU. So I would encourage you to donate to the to the cause. And let's get a world without Alzheimer's or dementia. So I'd like to introduce our first first speaker, to come on up, Declan.

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