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Neel Patel Presents ZiO Health at LSI Europe '23

ZiO Health has developed a proprietary, miniaturized technology that brings lab-quality testing to the point-of-care for various single-point and continuous monitoring applications.
Neel Patel
Neel Patel
Co-Founder & CEO, ZiO Health



Neel Patel  0:05  
Hi, everyone. I'm Neel. I'm the co founder and CEO of ZiO Health, we've developed a point of care therapeutic drug monitoring device, which measures medication concentration levels to improve drug treatment outcomes. So we can test a number of medications. For example, vancomycin, vancomycin is an antibiotic, it's used to treat sepsis and also given prophylactically for MRSA. The problem with vancomycin is it has a narrow therapeutic range. So if you give too high a dose, at least to toxicity, and if you give to lower dose, it leads to ineffective drug treatment. So at the moment, vancomycin is monitored in the hospitals already. And the problem with it is only 50% of the doses are within therapeutic range. And the lead time, the reason for that is due to the lead time between sampling and results being available. So around 30% of the doses are within the toxic range, which leads to nephrotoxicity, which increases the cost per patient for around 36,000 US dollars. So what we've done is develop a handheld device. It's a device, which basically, you put the blood sample into cartridge the cartridge and inserted into the device itself. And the results are displayed on the device screen as well as back end or another user interface. And we show the free form of the drug concentration as well as the total amount of drug concentration. That's one of the niche advantages to our technology. So when it comes to vancomycin itself, we around with basically in even if we maintain a margin of 95%, we can save around $13,000 per patient in the US for the costs when associated with fighters. we free up hospital resources by reducing the number of 30 day readmissions, we also improve patient outcomes by reducing the number of nephrotoxic events. And we also because of the effective treatment, we also have also have a high turnover, higher turnover of bet. So we've spoken to around 75 over 75 individuals in this space. These include clinical pharmacologist as well as infectious disease nurses, and critical care staff. And this has also helped us gain other studies in various hospitals in the UK as well as the US. And basically because everyone understands the problem with vancomycin dosing, it's given us a lot of access to studies that we want to perform at hospitals. Setting the market size for physician dosing and therapeutic drug monitoring is valued around 45 billion we're entering the 2 billion vancomycin market where one in you know one in four patients in the US, for example, are on vancomycin. So we are at the stage where we have created the device. We have also successfully completed our clinical performance studies in the US at John Hopkins, where we tested the device on around 380 patients. We are now progressing through the FDA pathway in the US. In the UK. We are also running studies at NHS Trust. We are we have also been granted our patents in the US and UK and are also filing further patents. We've also been awarded grant funding and SPRI funding for overdose monitoring. So the founders include myself, I'm a medical doctor, as well as completing an MBA previously Shaolin it has a PhD in biosensors. And you also has a PhD in biosciences. We've since grown a team we have further scientists, also electrical mechanical engineers and software developers. We have also got a good a broad list of advisors which helped us with business strategy also medical care wells, pharmaceutical experts and A business strategy so, the great advantage for our technology is we can create further tests, it takes red free mouse to create a further test. And we have already developed other medication tests such as chemotherapy medications, of antibiotics. We're also joining an NIH funded study for anti retrovirals. And we've also, as I mentioned earlier, been awarded a grant for overdose monitoring. So we're testing benzodiazepines. The other area or device can be used is within the pharmaceutical industry. Around 50% of drugs fail during phase two of clinical trials because they use a one size fits all approach. And so using our device the they can test more regularly throughout the day throughout the period that they're testing patients and gather strong evidence package to over personalize the dose various patient groups will just have that extra data points for when pharmaceutical companies go out to payers to negotiate and have a competitive advantage against other pharmaceutical companies. So that's all Thank you very much, and I'll be around throughout the day.

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