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Michael Joos Presents QUANTm Life Technologies at LSI Europe '23

Quantm is developing their fibrin system that separates a patients blood into concentrated fractions.
Michael Joos
Michael Joos
Co-Founder, QUANTm Life Technologies



Michael Joos  0:05  
I'm standing in a very dangerous position because I'm literally standing between you and lunch. So I will try and keep this very short. You have listened to dozens of pictures over the last few days and like me, I'm sure you're very inspired and impressed by the technology and the people talent that is there. But I thought I would mix it up a little bit and do something different, we'll do a little experiment. So I'd like you all to grab a sharp object of some sort, you know, be it a pen or the Swiss Army knife, you've gotten a pocket or the the keys to your to your Land Cruiser or something like that, and just make a little incision on your finger. Just enough to bleed nothing more than that, okay, and something like this. And you will observe that the body has actually got the potential, not the potential, actually the capability to produce a substance called fiber, which stops that bleed. It will send leukocytes and white blood cells to the area in order to control the infection. And it sends a huge amount of platelets per stem and essentially delivers a bunch of growth factors in order to do regenerate that wound. So then why is it that we spend about $5 billion on products in surgery to stop bleeding and treat infection? Why is it that we have 3 million that we need 3 million units of donor blood transfusion and treat infections that generate an extra 1 million hospital days and costs $4.6 billion dollars to treat? I don't want a blood transfusion is actually not a great thing. 50% of cardiac surgeries today still get donor blood transfusions. 20% of orthopedic joint surgeries are six times more likely to die, he spent three days longer in hospital and cost 30% more than usual. I spent 25 years in the intersection between cell biology and medical device med tech and biotech have run big, larger p&l As a CEO and international business units 150 to $600 million. I've also been on the startup side, and I've grown some through profitability and to $50 million. But really, the genesis of this business was when I was many moons ago, marketing director for Johnson and Johnson, the Ethicon division, where we obviously have portfolios of hemostasis and infection control products. And I was really wondering, why is it that we couldn't have a technology that could essentially do what the body can do. And this is what I want to introduce to you. And essentially the challenge in large surgeries is the following. You've got large irregular surface wounds. You have a lot of movement stress, ultimately on that wound and it's prone to infection for many reasons. Also, because you're treating elderly, immunocompromised patients and so on. And what many people don't understand is that actually 60% of the blood loss doesn't happen in the surgery, it happens after the surgery, because we haven't effectively controlled hemostasis during the surgery. So the top one there is a knee surgery we've done in Holland, the bottom is cardiac surgery. This particular one is in Germany. What is the solution? This is a fourth generation product. I'll show you a six year version of what we want to develop. But we take the patient's own blood. So this is an autologous solution. At the end of the day. We separated into different constituencies as as many technologies already can do, including leukocytes, white blood cells, platelets, and so on. But then we also produce the thrombin in different region which is required to build this glue matrix called fibrin and then we put it into different syringes. We've got two clinical trials that really, you know, guide us in this one was done a nice in Holland 165 patients, the other one a cardiac surgery. Paper we've done with 74 patients. And we've really shown statistically significant reductions in donor blood transfusions, infections, and other positive outcomes. This is the technology we now want to build as a next step and it's really quite simple. It's a centrifuge. It's full automation. Here is the magic ingredient to the magic sauce and that is the patent protected thrombin it and fibrinogen production side of the store worry. And let's talk a little bit about the market today and the technologies out there. And you can see, like my old company, j&j, Baxter is is another one. Obviously the market leaders when it comes to fibrin and technology, it's about a $2 billion market today, this alone, and you can see on the on that side of the equation, you can see that ultimately, this is a complementary technology that we are introducing where on the top right hand side, where you need larger volumes, and where you want to also fight infections where you also want to be able to have improved wound healing, whereas the current market is really at the bottom left when the smaller volumes, so it's really a complementary technology. But our technology, as I've said before, is able to include white blood cells, platelets, and is made from the patient's own blood. It's been a long story so far, about seven years in the making. We've done multiple clinical trials, this is a very well tested technology with hundreds of patients in very in many different surgical disciplines. We've done animal trials to show efficacy against the the market leaders, we've got patents, and multiple publications and really want to now go to a fully automated platform, reason very simple that drives adoption penetration in the marketplace. We believe that ultimately, I can see these are old slides, this is not my current presentation. So I'll wait go over it. But we believe the addressable market is about 3.2 billion by 2030, about 4 million procedures, a large amount of those coming from orthopedic joint and cardiac plastic constructor surgery and other areas. The under procedure size is about 40% of the procedures where you could use this technology, we believe is the actual addressable market. Forget the numbers over there just to say that this is a large opportunity for big multinationals who have the global reach into these different types of technologies, and are able to really dedicate some serious sales time behind this technology. In order to drive. We believe that there is licensing opportunities here starting for large medtech companies who have this global reach, starting with cardiac orthopedic joint, also in spine and then progressing to other areas. We're looking for a $3 million series A raise we've done through $2.3 million already of seed investment. Discussions with large strategics is our next step and then raise further Series B equity or some sort of deal milestones as we go along. So 2.3 Millions already invested. We've got the proof of concept, clinical publications, as well as patents and multiple generations prototype. And really where we want to go is full automation in order to have this good adoption in the operating room, regulatory clearance, see and FDA for those devices and ultimately, licensing deals going forward. So thank you very much and appreciate everybody who cut their fingers. I hope it will heal very, very fast. Thank you

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