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Martin Herman, Powerful Medical - Accurately Diagnosing Cardiovascular Diseases | LSI USA '24

Powerful Medical is using artificial intelligence to empower clinicians to accurately diagnose cardiovascular diseases and treat cardiac patients with higher confidence.
Martin Herman
Martin Herman
, Powerful Medical

Martin Herman  0:04  
Hi, everyone. My name is Martin and I'm the co founder and CEO of Powerful Medical. And I came here today to talk about our AI powered cardiovascular diagnostics platform. So cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide, killing about 17 million patients annually. And about 10 million of those are heart attack debts. And even though Heart attacks are such a significant and deadly diagnosis, still 50% of them get initially misdiagnosed. So let's take a bit of a look into cardiovascular diagnostics. in cardiology, a lot revolves around the 12 lead ECG is the standard diagnostic test, and it's very widely accessible. And a good cardiologist from this ECG recording can diagnose maybe 40 or 50 different conditions with high sensitivity. However, the majority of these ECGs are done by non cardiologist physicians such as nurses, emergency responders, or family physicians who have a very low specific sensitivity in diagnosing them. As the ECG is such an important decision making point in many clinical pathways, we decided to do something about that. And over the course of the last five years, we've partnered with world's leading medical institutions, and curated a massive dataset of 500,000 fully digital patient histories going back as far as 20 years. So for 500,000 patients, we have all of the ECGs imaging data posted reports, outcome data. And together with the partners and this data in hand, we were able to build pm cardio, our AI powered cardiovascular diagnostics platform. Beam cardio is certified as a class to be device in Europe already. And we're certified to the tech 39 different conditions. Plus, we're also certified to recommend treatment in accordance to latest clinical practice guidelines. And pm cardio is really a tool for any healthcare professional. So the nurses, emergency responders, cardiologist alike, and we thought, how do we bring this amazing technology to as many people as possible? Well, we thought, you know, everyone has a smartphone. So we brought pm cardio for iOS and Android, and put a huge effort into making it as user friendly as possible. And we're compatible with all ECG formats, and all ECG devices currently on the market, because we have developed and patented image recognition algorithms, which allow us to extract the digital signal from any picture of an ECG. So you just take a picture, and you fill out some basic patient parameters. And about in just a few seconds pm cardio that takes up to 39 different conditions. Besides that, as I said, we are able to recommend treatment. In order to do that we ask a bunch of follow up questions. And then based on the answers, we can formulate a patient specific disease specific treatment plan, which includes drugs, procedures, and further tests. So really, the whole idea is any healthcare professional with pm cardio, and with an ECG machine suddenly can diagnose cardiovascular conditions, as confidently as a cardiologist with years of experience and also decide on what to what to do for the next steps. And so what you've just seen is pretty much a pipeline of nine proprietary AI and non AI algorithms working in conjunction to bring picture to ECG report. And while everyone is today trying to do everything with AI, we actually found that if you mix AI and deterministic, this is really where the magic happens. And of course, BM cardio is also available as a web based platform for computers and integrates with EHRs very easily does everything what you'd expect it to do only we made made it look much more beautiful than anything that's out there currently. In about a year since launching in Europe, we already have 35,000 healthcare professionals registered on the platform, and they screened over 400,000 patients to date. And I won't get into the details, because they're using it in many clinical settings and environments. But I just want to show you one use case where pm cardio really shines a lot. So we're working with a partner in the UK, who's in the health assessment business, and they do about 100,000 ECGs, across 100 different locations. Of course, all of them have a different ECG machine, different EHR, and they're using pm cardio to not only standardize the process, but also styling the rights to diagnostic performance across the whole venture. And we've also demonstrated that they're able to save about 25 minutes on average per patient in admin time. Plus, the patient then gets to see the report in his app as its end to end integrated. Well, and since the beginning of last year, we've been in the FDA process, and we're expecting the 510 K approval to come through relatively soon. So really within weeks now, and to enter the US market, we have decided we want to redefine the heart attack pathway. It's a massive opportunity, because in the US you have 10 million chest pain patients showing up to emergency rooms every year, and all of them need to be screened for heart attacks and the US is no better than the rest of the world in diagnosing them. One in three in the US get missed. And if you look at the mortality rates, or five year mortality of heart attack patients, one in four men, and one in three women don't make it past the first five years, and the woman actually score worse, because their symptoms are less specific, making the diagnosis harder and further delaying the treatment. Why the WHY THE HEART ATTACK pathway? Well, because pm cardio, his heart attack algorithm is able to diagnose heart attacks with double the sensitivity of the current standard of care. And we're also able to see the occlusive heart attacks three hours sooner on the ECG than a human was. And I know these are very, very bold numbers and very bold claims, but we have the evidence to back it up. So at the moment, we have over 30 external independent evaluations running for the pm cardio heart attack pathway in 15 countries and today, to date, we enrolled 85,000 ECGs already plus, about three weeks ago, we got a massive grant from the European Commission of 8 million euros to also do a prospective randomized control trial. And of course, all of this research activities are coordinated by our expert advisory board for the pm cardio heart attack pathway. So we have Dr. Steven Smith and Pendle Meyers, who are the founders of the largest ECG bloc worldwide and have been publishing on our detox for the last 20 years. We have Professor Emmanuella Barbato, who's the acting president of APCI. And we have Dr. Lior Pearl, who is the innovation director of the largest Israeli cardio center, all managing the trials and watching over the results. We also have some results available, of course, and I want to share those with you. So in the largest Belgian cardio center in August, we managed to reduce the false positive capital up activation rate by about 68%, while still detecting all the true positive heart attack patients correctly. And we've shown an average 13 hour faster time to PCI for STEMI equivalents, very, very significant as the guidelines say acute heart attacks need to be treated within two hours. We also have some data now from the US. So in Hennepin healthcare in one hospital site, we also ran the study and we were able to reduce the false positive Cath Lab activations by about 60%. Again, while not missing any true positive patient, and just on the false positive Cath Lab activations, we were able to save about $120,000 per year. And this is just one of the many held economic value propositions pm cardio brings. And we're obviously going to publish all of the mentioned studies in peer reviewed journals. So our plan to capture the US market is very simple. We'll start with the hubs. Obviously, we'll start with the hubs that are currently in the validations because we can show them on their own patient data, how well pm cardio works. Going from there, we will scale into the hubs. And eventually, we will also scale into the emergency care setting where we will be integrating with the ECG devices and defibrillator is in the ambulances and their cloud platform. So actually, some of the companies we're working with are also here on LSI. And going from there, of course, we will also tackle primary care in the US pharmacy testing is quite big. Not many ECG is done yet, but it's a growing market. We will also eventually create a patient version patient sided version of pm cardio, we already have a prototype that works with the Apple Watch doesn't diagnose all the 39 conditions, but still works pretty well. And hopefully we'll be able to release it in a few years. Obviously, we're not ending with the 39 diagnosis that are currently supported. We have a massive AI pipeline. And the next algorithm will be an algorithm that screens for heart failure. But pm cardio with all our know how and the existing data is really the ideal vehicle to deploy these new AI models into and also perform the clinical validations on a large scale. In order to enter the US market, we're raising our 25 million series A out of which 5 million is already committed by current investors and 8 million is committed by the European Commission. So currently, we're looking for a US healthcare fund to lead our Series A along with the investors we have in the US are really capital and life extension mentors. in radiology, diagnostics, and in stroke, there are already three unicorns vis AI doc and rapid covering just 15% of the market and we're the only certified heart attack solution to date. We also cover a further 39 diagnosis and are adding more and we want to become the definitive platform and the one stop shop for cardiology AI. We started Powerful Medical in 2019 with my brother who's a medical doctor and the committee member of the European Society of Cardiology, digital health and AI committee. We are a team of 55 people split across Slovakia, Belgium and New York and we are leading the revolution in cardiovascular care. Thank you


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