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Margaret Kalmeta, Rapid Nexus - Technology to Treat Chronic Wounds | LSI Europe '22

Rapid Nexus Nanotech Wound Solutions is an innovative wound company whose technology is based on nanomaterials and targets the electromagnetic cell division cycles (anaphase through telophase) to accelerate growth of tissue.
Margaret Kalmeta
Margaret Kalmeta
Founder & CEO, Rapid Nexus


Margaret Kalmeta  0:00  

Good morning. I want to introduce myself, Dr. Margaret Kalamata. And I founded Rapid Nexus to prevent amputations. There's a very, very high unmet medical need. Patients, today alone, there will be 1500 amputations in the US. Every 20 seconds, around the globe, someone is receiving an amputation. And this is not due to war. This is or any other reason except diabetes and being elderly. The competitors have innovated products into type one and type two wounds. And what that means it's these products are really designed for a younger population and a non diabetic population. I was I developed technology for bone regeneration, I come from a lateral field, when I met a gentleman servicing a nursing home who had lost all of his limbs due to amputations. For me, that was a moment of reflection. Why is this happening? After some research, I realized that really, there was a great misunderstanding of wounds and why they happen. Today, the industry is 30.5% effective in closing wounds. As I mentioned, it's a high unmet medical need. In the US alone, there are over $300 billion that are being spent on this population, and surgeries and wound care products, and prosthetics. So we created a solution for the diabetic and elderly population. And we have already in human studies been able to prevent 17, amputations and close 39 high risk complex wounds. So our way forward? Well, so this could be actually, let me explain, this could be the only product to actually treat the real problem. The real problem is not actually the wound itself. The real problem is the surrounding tissue where the circulation is not able to get through. I'll get to how we do but I just want to let you see what our products are. So the main product is the nanotechnology wound care dressing. We have incorporated nanomaterials into a composition of matter substance that is able to get through the outer skin layer and be driven and absorbed into the lower layers. And what we do is allow the product to increase the density of the tissue surrounding the wound. We pair that with photonics. So what's interesting is that photonics photons are able to absorb into the Nano metals that we are using, and provide a little bit of a lag effect for us. And additionally, photons absorbed into cytochrome c oxidase in the human flesh. And what that means is that it photons are absorbed effectively by our blood, and by our tissues, in order to increase the strength of the electron spin around an atom. The third product is a product that keeps the gel substance on the wound without the substance dislodging and then we have collateral products that we design such as compression if you don't have the proper compression than the the inside of the body wants to come out the hole. So we have to compress everything down in order to get the edges to effectively see each other to get an ionic flow across for the healing to happen. Last is we are providing physicians different types of massages in order to help the gel enter the perimeter of the wound, not just the wound. So this is a quick diagram of how everything works. We address what the problem really is. And the problem is the surrounding tissue in diabetic people is really broken down to varying levels and we have microscopic breakdown in early diabetes. To break down they can clearly be seen with imaging and the breakdown can be seen as varying degrees of Swiss cheese holes in this surrounding fret flesh, whereas the skin layers still on top. So these varying degrees of Swiss cheese holes don't allow blood to come through. Because everything is condensed and twisted, circulation doesn't come go through and the nerves are not able to work effectively, the product intensifies and increases the density and allows the flow allows everything to unclog and allows the flow to again work. This is one of my favorite cases this this gentleman was diagnosed for an amputation. And clearly here we can see that the problem is not really the hole in the leg. The problem is the surrounding tissue. And this is something that industry does not address. And so this gentleman was diagnosed for amputation, and he said he doesn't want one because his mother passed away from an amputation. And the three friends that went to the hospital visits with him, they all passed away after their amputations when they were diagnosed. So he found us that we were doing a study and we were able to prevent his amputation along with 17 others and closed other out of the39 total complex wounds. Okay, so our competitors are in level one and two wounds, they have carefully chosen the clinical trial subjects to be younger population to be non diabetic population, so that they have a really great outcome in the clinical trials. Whereas I come from a lateral field and what I didn't know helped me. And so because I come from the I practiced Oral Surgery cosmetic makeovers in the dental space for tears. And because I come from a lateral field, I arrived in Costa Rica to see patients and prevent their amputations the doctors gave me exactly what I asked for all of the worst cases, we have the kradic flesh, we have all of the words that were already on their way to being amputated, we were able to reverse those. I did that because I used to practice with a laser straight out of school. And I was making my own substrates. Basically about four years after graduation to pair with the laser started patenting in 2013. For bone regeneration was very successful in closing wounds post surgically three days it took us to close. When I met that gentleman who lost his limbs to amputation. I just had that knowing that this is something I could do for him because this is something I practice every day. So this is an opportunity 10 point 8 Billion US market 25 billion global chronic wound market. And we have very, very conservative numbers. So by year number three, we're estimating that we would have only point for for only half a percentage point of the market, and yet our revenues would be 70 million. This is a really, just to give you an example our competitor selling bandages in this market make bring in 300 million revenue every quarter. We are on our way to becoming the standard of care. What I have planned is to provide a way to preventively offer a product to the diabetic population where we get them early when those microscopic holes are opening instead of waiting until a big wound opens and the flesh necrosis. So our marketing model is to have our pharmacy distributor. We're very happy to be paired and contracted with a pharmacy distributor the most trusted individual in healthcare. And so our pharmacy distributor would be distributed to hospitals, wound care clinics, telemedicine nursing homes, and other compounding pharmacies. On time untapped compounding pharmacy market. We're like I said, we're just really pleased to be represented by a pharmacist as our salesperson is our person that picks up the phone and calls the wound care clinic or the doctors. Hey, you should try this product. And this is our team Rodney just joined about two weeks ago. He's just getting up to speed with our company. He's now our CEO and he has extensive Background In medical device and bringing medical device to market, also clinical trials. I'm the CTO now I'm the founder. And my training has been an as a Doctor of Dental Surgery, practicing oral surgery and cosmetic makeovers during my career. Christine Paystack, my right hand person has followed me. Throughout the practice transitions we founded and sold numerous practices. David Kowalski, our board members, CEO of kindred healthcare plans on bringing us into hospitals, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes, which he CEO throughout his 25 plus year career, and John Weatherall wrote our IP, our board member, and he wrote the IP for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, which is recently sold for nearly $4 billion. And the investment opportunity we're looking to raise between one and $5 million. Presently, we're doing a soft launch. In two weeks we've already shipped to our innovation pharmacy distributor. And the funding that we are raising will help us with manufacturing with key hires, marketing, more clinical studies. Our phase two is to do clinical studies on nerve impulse speed, and on muscle function and nerve function. This is the data that we will be using for the surrounding tissue which will help us expand into other markets. Thank you very much.


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