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Lawrence Obstfeld Presents Image Navigation at LSI Europe '23

Image Navigation creates solutions to improve dental care. The company's flagship product, Image Guided Implantology (IGI), utilizes CT scans and presurgical planning to guide dental implant placement.
Lawrence Obstfeld
Lawrence Obstfeld
CEO, Image Navigation



Lawrence Obstfeld  0:05  
A surgeon described to me placing an implant in the front of the mouth like hammering in a nail between two pieces of paper in a dark room. And in the back of the mouth like driving the car from a passenger seat. We bring IGI, which solves the complex challenges of dental implantology. With a hybrid surgical navigation system, with active intelligent AI tracking, and a robotic safeguard. Most of the people in the world are missing teeth. In the United States. Last year, 8 million people checked into dental implants, and only 2 million people received implants, the reason cost and fear. What's happening on the dental equipment side of the equation on the surgeon side of the equation, we see now that 70,000 dentists have in office CT scanners way beyond digital X rays, and 70,000 dentists have intraoral scanners to take a digital impression of the mouth. We leverage the cone beam CT image and the intraoral scan with the digital surgical piece of the puzzle. IGI enables the dentist to place the implant below the gum in the bone according to the CT scan with an emergence profile, so that the tooth is an aesthetic and functional harmony with the rest of the teeth. It's a new level of artists and ship available to the dentist. And it's this explosion in dental imaging equipment that makes dental imaging such a sought after investment by venture capitalists and private equity. And here we see for example Medit, which sold for 490 million valuation in 2019 at seven times revenues, and again at seven times revenues last year for $2 billion. And Neosis our robotic competitor, which recently raised 40 million at a 300 million post money valuation. We have two targets for our technology. The first target is the 50,000 dentists in the United States in Europe, that place a large number of implants and that have a CT scanner in the office. And the second target is those dentists that place one that restore one full arch per week or more that's a fully a dentist patient with no teeth. What are the economics look like? We have a proprietary consumable protected by three patents, I have it here to show you. And if a dentist uses 100 of those per year, then that's generating 8000 in revenue and plus leasing of the system. But now let's look at the full arch specialists. These are a smaller percentage much smaller, many for large specialists will place restore 50 arches a year 100 150 at $750 per arch. It's substantial continuing revenue 37,000 per year. Okay, so there's 1.6 million dentists in the world and 4 billion people missing teeth. How come navigation hasn't come to dental implantology sooner? A couple of answers one complex anatomy of joining tooth roots or joining teeth, nerves capillaries. Second you have a moving patient no general anesthesia, the drill the patient, they're both moving, it's really tough to track. Now let's look at the surgeons relaxed vision and IGI. This is what the surgeon sees looking into the mouth. And on the upper on the lower right we see the surgeon has a disc instrumentation panel and he can see in all three planes the position of the drill. He's completely confident where it is and we see on the upper right the progress of the drill going through the yellow cylinder which is the pre planned implant location. Now the progress of a surgery. Step one, the dentist touches an anatomical marker with the drill and he sees that it matches identically in the digital patient on screen, he's confident step two, he's drilling placing an implant near the sinus floor that is the middle frame. Step three. On the right, the drill has reached the target depth. On the right the depth indicator turns red at this moment, the drill stops, that is our robotics and the tool where the dentist needs it. Because of the moving patient, we have real time tracking, we update the onscreen position of the drill only 50 times a second. And of course, it's our own proprietary tracking because you don't see that in any orthopedic tracking system anywhere where you're updating the position of the drill once or twice, a second or two. And latency. All us gamers know that latency is the big enemy of performance. Our proprietary tech stack, innovative tracking a robotic auto stop. And a proprietary consumable for synchronizing the patient to the CT scan developed over three years at a cost of two plus million dollars a problem so complex that gives our competitors brain fog. The clinician benefits first you're comfortable you don't have to make that dreaded call the next day is do you have numbness in your jaw, you have a higher case conversion rate. Patients are smart, they want you to use navigation and for the patient faster recovery because you don't have to hack into the gum in order to see the bone. Fully edentulous patients IGI enables a general practitioner to start placing implants full arch implants on fully edentulous patients that enables the most advanced practice or to do it less invasively. And don't take my word for it IGI one is approved us Europe talk to our users. Okay, a robotic auto stop in action. We're drilling and off angle the drill stops back on, here it goes. And now from an actual surgery. You can see the drill stop when the depth when the angle indicator turns red, boom, boom. Almost no lag. I mean no lag, zero lag, almost no momentum. We're anticipating MDR EU approval in a few weeks. We have approval in Israel. So q4 We're rolling out in Israel and starting in Europe. The FDA requires a 20 patient study. This is what success would look like for us in 2008 annual revenue of 31 million, including 12 million of continuing revenue. IGI compared to our robotic competitor. It costs 200,000 The one on the right, IGI will cost under 60,000. And it weighs less. The competitor on the right has a very smart robotic arm. We think the smartest arm is the arm of the dentist and the agility and fine motor skill he has from drilling preps and crowns. My team has extraordinary experience through the range of dental implantology and technology from business to clinical surgical navigation experience to high tech management and invention. The man the president of the number one implant company worldwide Nobel BioCare North America and digital dentistry regulatory. We are raising 12 to 15 million. Now. I'm interested to talk to all and anybody here and hope that when you need a dental implant you'll think of us thank you

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