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Laurence Blazianu Presents PreciHealth at LSI Europe '23

PreciHealth is committed towards enabling individuals to easily and safely self-administer medication and collect diagnostic blood samples from the comfort of their home.
Laurence Blazianu
Laurence Blazianu
CFO, PreciHealth



Laurence Blazianu  0:05  
Hello, good afternoon. My name is Laurence Blazianu. No, I'm the Chief Business Officer at PreciHealth. So I'm in charge of the financing but also the business development communication. Not directly the, the engineering nor the medical but all the rest, very happy to be here to introduce to you a disruptive technology for mass blood mass population blood screening. Just in a nutshell, to give you a bit of a highlight of who we are, where we stand now, we're Suisse privately held as company incepted back in 2017. In New chatel in the heart of Switzerland, we currently focus on dermal blood collection device for broad diagnostic tests. We have the highest capillary blood volume as of today, between 1.5 to four milliliter within two to three tubes, it's three times more than the existing market competition. We are using one or more or multiple standard tubes, that we also the only one that are able really to replace what's happening in the lab to have not only one, two, but to have replacement and usage of multiple tubes. We also have developed a companion app to identify and to guide the user through the process, also allowing for a certification to show that the process has been done successfully. We have currently very strong market traction even though we are not yet on the market. I'm very thrilled because every week I receive phone calls and emails from laboratories that are inquiring about our blood collection device. They have tried what is existing on the market, and they are looking for alternative solutions with a greater volume with standard tubes. We have currently signed LOI and agreements now with LabCorp for launch next year in the US. We also closing collaborations with leading IBD company for supplying their own laboratories. We also closing collaborations with Chip suppliers that will be used within our blood collection device. In terms of the investors profile that we have, we don't have big VCs yet. We have mainly private investors, family offices, some of those very well known at least in Switzerland, with the Bob's Family with Michelle Zinger also in our board, with Peter Brabeck, co chairman of the Nestegg group and Formula One, Joe herring that joined us this summer, who is the founder, CEO and chairman of events that was sold to LabCorp. We're currently raising 7 million Swiss francs, so it's roughly 8 million euros that we want to close by the end of the year. We hope it's going to be our last round as we wish to have for the extra financing need a non dilutive alternative financing solutions. We have self commitment for the trends three already from family offices, private investors and strategic Dyson diagnostic venture fund. Our product will be launching next year in the US and reaching a unicorn position three to four years post launch. We're aiming at a two to four years exit strategy based on different events and valuations which are really linked with our existing collaboration discussions. So this is actually what we do, what we want to do is to go away from the needle slash phlebotomy slash going to the laboratory for a simple blood draw to a remote self procedure that will be safer that will be authenticated. And that will be a eyes based guided through an app. It will be needless and it will be painless. And the idea is to make it accessible to everybody. Whether it's an point of care Medical Center, hospitals, pharmacies, or intimately at home completely remotely. There is a really strong market traction. As I said from the beginning, the remote care and supporting infrastructure has been definitely accelerated through the pandemic. People are searching for solutions to have a patient centric solution. There is a strong push from the wellness And preventive health testing that you know individuals can initiate by themselves. But there are multiple patient segments that are strongly searching for solutions. Whether it's a sexual testing diseases, whether it is patients that want to do monitoring of their chronic pathology in oncology in transplant, whether it's patients that need to go through dialysis, and they need to do pre and post treatment blood collection, there are really a lot whether it's the geriatric or within the pediatric use, we also have a lot of interest for from the CRO, you know, running decentralized trials. So the market and the need is really large. We have major IBD players that are conducting with us because they even have teams scouting for alternative solutions to standard phlebotomy and identified us as a very good alternative. And when we speak with them, whether those are those IVDD, or those labs, they all tell us that within five to 10 years, their goal and their will is to actually transfer 80 40 to 80% of their existing users to alternative block procedure being completely decentralized. And it's really it's something that is pushed by the laboratory because they want to make the blood collection as a commodity, which is not yet currently done through the fact that many of the mean 20% to 25% of the adults are today saying that they are refraining us from doing a standard phlebotomy based blood collection, because they're afraid of the needle because they have this anxiety because it takes time to go there there are three, and because they just don't want to do it. So we expect we expect to increase the accessibility and also to have an impact on the global health, allowing for individuals to to diagnose and to enable the appropriate treatment. We have actually calculated that probably one person on the planet is doing a blood draw every year. I don't know how many blood draw you did yourself recently. But in essence, it just gives you an idea of the size of the market. And this is something that the laboratories are telling us that in the future, they would like to think that one blood draw should be at a cost of around 1010 US dollar for the entire procedure. So currently cutting the cost for the healthcare professionals to step in. So this is actually our device. This is not the latest design, we keep it for ourself. But in essence, it's a painless, very simple, easy and safe procedure. It has today 1.5, you can withdraw 1.5 to four ml within one to two tubes in a very reasonable time, which is comparable with what you have in the laboratory. We're using standards that containers are maintaining the existing lab ecosystems are really, really using the standard tubes, not implying any remaining violations of the blood sample one it's collected. And this was really something that the labs are really searching for. We have a patented Lancet designed and innovative patch, which is really something specific. And as I said, currently, currently, we're the only one having been able to do multiple tube withdrawal during a one procedure. We have a design free stage, we're currently actually manufacturing our product. We have completed internal comparative study and we have 510 K FDA process for a pre pre submit submission now with the FDA class to device and MDR class II. But you know, we will first be launching in the US as I'm sorry to say that but in Europe, it's it's a bit complicated at the moment. So for for the moment. We're really focusing on that one. I have to close the discussion here. But what we have done as well is that we have developed a companion app to guide the patient through the process. And the reason why I'm here is because we are currently raising some funds. We're raising 7 million Swiss francs, 8 million US dollar and we want to close it by December. I have to go unfortunately, but it was nice being with you. Thank you so much.

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