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Ken Coffey Presents AtriAN Medical at LSI Europe '23

AtriAN Medical is developing an innovative solution for the treatment of AF that utilizes micro-Pulsed Electric Field (mPEF).
Ken Coffey
Ken Coffey
CEO, AtriAN Medical



Ken Coffey  0:05  
My name is Ken coffey. I'm with AtriAN Medical. It's a tough audience this morning because my daughter is here. So normally I'm not nervous, but I am this morning say hello, Kara. Great. Good. What you're looking at. On the right is a surgery in Prague. We're treating a patient for atrial fibrillation. But I want you to think about the one that image on the left, there's these six blue spots on the heart. We don't think too much about the heart or heart works. But this is a fun fact, you can tell your friends in the next 10 days, your heart will beat 1 million times. And if you live to be 70, your heart will beat more than 2 billion times. So in the process, sometimes things go awry. And that's we're gonna talk about atrial fibrillation. Adrian is a company we're based in the west of Ireland and Galway, a really nice medtech hub. We've treated 36 patients to date, first 24 cohort are for a safety and feasibility. And I'll show you the really exciting results in the 12 patients in efficacy. We've raised about 6 million today, about half of that's non dilutive. And we are looking for additional funding for the next stages. It's interesting or point to point this out. This is a Mayo Clinic invention. So it was vented by CMS or ratham. And then we brought it over to Ireland and have incubated it for about seven years now. Talking about atrial fibrillation, everyone knows somebody that has atrial fibrillation right there are four people in my family that have atrial fibrillation. And if you're 65, you have one in 10 chance, you're gonna have it right now. And it's just going to be a progressive disease. And I'll just say this one thing, there is no cure for it. And AtriAN is actually out to change that there's actually a cure, and that's our products. So if you show up with the, if you show up at A&E or the emergency room, the first thing you're gonna do is give you medication. And that's not going to work very often maybe about 30% of the time. And that medication you take is not just impacting your heart, but it's impacting all your organs. And in fact, the most successful medication is amiodarone, and that starts to attack your lungs. Once that fails and makes you miserable, then a physician is going to say you probably need an ablation, so they're gonna go inside your heart, they're gonna freeze it, or they're gonna burn it. With a new technology pulse field, they're going to sort of start to damage the actual muscle within your heart. And what they're trying to do there is there's these pulmonary veins that sort of act as motorways or highways, where the signals on the outside of the heart are interlinked. So they create these scars in an effort to try to solve the problem. But you'll see in the first year 30% of those patients will have a recurrence, and they'll have to have another ablation and many will have to have a second and third. And physicians really don't know what to do beyond that, because they don't have any options. And we're here to change that. We have a pulsed field generator that basically goes in and shocks the heart at 1000 volts, very, very high intensity basically just opens up the pores of the cells and they die. So there's no necrosis, it's a really friendly, and very safe energy. We're doing it on the outside of the heart because that's where the condition lies. So we are in the epicardial surface you'll see on the right, Dr. Skorulski is holding one of our specialty catheters. On the left is a pulsed field generator. And then we asked and feasible saline sort of make it work better. We started this effort to do patients that were just having open chest surgery, basically cabbage or coronary bypass or valve repair. And that was sort of a way to have the surgeons doctors look at the targets and treat those. And our ultimate goal was to go minimally invasive with just a very small scalpel incision here and then go on the outside of the heart. But as we progressed there, we noticed there are a lot of surgeons that actually want this for people that are having no patch surgery. So we have two sort of revenue models. So here's the exciting news. So we took 12 People who had atrial fibrillation that were actually going to have bypass surgery or valve surgery. And when they opened their chest in the sternotomy, we went in, we took some measurements, we treated them with our very gentle energy, we're going to shock those little neurons on the outside of the heart where the condition begins. And in you'll see there in one month, they were all afib free. Three months of a female patient valve patient had an event on her monitor, she didn't notice so she was acent not symptomatic, and result of an hour. And then six months, they're all free. And then just we just got the data on 12 full months. So there this is a energy. This is a treatment for afib. That actually should in fact, be your cure. This is a very busy slide forgive me. So basically what it's saying is we're sort of taking two pathways, the faster way to market is going to be this open chest. So about 25% of the people that are actually going open chest surgery, half a fibrillation, and they're not being treated. Some of the very, very late stage people are but not the early stage. So we see a good opportunity there, a lot of surgeons want this. And then the real goal is to address those people in this middleman invasive approach. In this larger market, you've probably seen a lot of the other presentations 6 billion market. So the interesting part is that if you have 30% failure in the first year, and this market is growing, you're gonna have lots and lots of more redos. So that's where we're going to come in first. So we're raising 28 million to treat over 90 patients within about 24 months. So we put pretty aggressive timelines on the bottom, and you'll see sort of the milestones for for our open chest work, which we've got a lot of good data on. And then above is sort of the longer pathway. So for sort of, succinctly and 24 months, we'll treat 90 patients and five of those will be minimally invasive in the States. You can look at it a little bit differently. On the left side, open chest procedures and on the right minimally invasive a longer timeline, of course. So what really are we doing so if you, you really don't think too much about your heart, but your brain is telling your heart to to basically increase or decrease. So heart transplant patients hearts will beat about 100 beats per second, it doesn't change. But when you stand up, your brain tells your heart to increase when you run, it tells it to increase. When you sleep at night, it tells it to decrease. So there's this mismatch as we get older as the heart ages, to basically the central nervous system is sort of competing with the autonomics or the heart and that's where we're going after the actual origin of the condition. And those those nerves you see sort of landing on the heart there, sort of access can be minimally invasive for those of you know, catheters at a trench for a very small catheter, or open chest procedures, robust IP portfolio for good investors out there, it all began at the Mayo Clinic and they have very, very good lawyers that they work with there. Were based again in Galway, so west coast of Ireland, and we created some IP when we're in the university when since we spun out, we've actually filed more IP. So really robust IP portfolio. I see a lot of slides, the teams that are backing these company has extraordinary and we have those as well, particularly just mentioned a couple. CMS ratham on the right was inventor of that. Mark Carlson. We've brought on the board. He was the Chief Medical Officer for St. Jude and Abbott. And the good thing is he's retired so he actually time for us. And we have on the board, people that total exits for exits of over 2 billion. So we've got some really good team members there. So thanks for your time and happy to catch you afterwards. So thanks

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