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Kelley Kennedy, IQVIA MedTech - Accelerating MedTech Innovation | LSI USA '24

IQVIA MedTech, part of IQVIA, is a global strategic partner for accelerating MedTech innovation.
Kelley Kennedy
Kelley Kennedy
, IQVIA MedTech

Kelley Kennedy  0:03  
Hi, good afternoon, everyone. So my name is Kelley    Kennedy. And I'm the vice president of iqvia med techs Clinical Solutions team. But a great first few days at this conference so far, right, it's really inspiring to see all of the innovation, how it's going to shape the future of med tech moving forward, and how many brilliant companies are really creating the next wave of future generation products that are going to improve product patient outcomes. So I'm really pleased to be able to moderate this session and work with this wonderful panel. And I'll be working, I'll be introducing the first speaker and a few minutes. But before we get started, I'd like to introduce to you iqvia med tech, and talk through how we partner with companies to be able to enhance our healthcare outcomes, and be able to support our medical device partners and our IBD partners.

So IQVIA MedTech as a partner is a part of the larger iqvia company, which you may be familiar with. We're a global strategic partner for accelerating med tech innovation and growth. We offer med tech specialization, which is really, really important. Everyone that works within this business is solely dedicated to med tech, with extensive experience across our portfolio of solutions. We've conducted as you can see over 330 medical device and diagnostic trials, with more than 6400 sites across the globe. We pride ourselves in intelligently connecting the right insights technology and medtech expertise to ensure that we're optimizing clinical success with accelerated trials and real world evidence, streamlining efficient pathways for global regulatory approvals, ensuring compliance with our cloud based solutions, and supporting Mac market access and growth across the lifecycle of your product development process. The path to regulatory approval and market access are different. Depending on your device type. We know this right? Something's very different between an implantable or an IBD or if you're dealing with something that's really software based. So understanding the regulatory submission process and the pathways, the nuances that are involved in each of these strategies for each of these device types, and the data required to support them can be the difference in your time to market. In addition, therapeutic expertise is not just important, it's mission critical to the success of any product. To get to the right solution for patients, you need to know the challenges that are present in that therapeutic space, the right questions to ask so that you can actively provide and mitigate risks proactively. IQVIA MedTech partners with companies to leverage our global regulatory experience, or experienced clinical staff and program managers and our therapeutic expertise to navigate the specificities of both your device types as well as your therapeutic area in order to efficiently and effectively streamline your pathway to markup. IQVIA MedTech is proud that we have a dedicated team to support your clinical development. We specialize in supporting emerging and small medical device companies. med tech clinical solutions enable trials for medical devices and diagnostics with the following services which are included but not limited to expert strategic support in navigating the dynamic regulatory environment that's part of our med tech space. And also with experts strategic support and designing your clinical trials. We have a strategic feasibility team that will assess your study requirements, your operational complexity, the competing trial landscape, and will propose a strategy that's data driven to select the right sites to ensure your enrollment success. We also have a customized data management solution that's proprietary to med tech iqvia med tech to meet our client's specific data needs for collection. We have biostatistics monitoring, project management and medical and safety services. We're recognized as the industry leader in devising diagnostics for clinical trials and strategic regulatory support. So with that, we'd love to connect with you. If you haven't already, please visit our booth and my colleagues, Brett and Sheree who are here I will be pleased to exchange more and we'd love for you to visit us during this event or if you don't have the opportunity please feel free to contact us via the the email here and we'd be loving to understand your needs and how we might partner with you in the future.


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