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Joshua Corb, Basis - Premier Technology Agency | LSI USA '24

Basis is a premier technology agency and your gateway to innovative software solutions.
Joshua Corb
Joshua Corb
, Basis

Joshua Corb  0:03  
My name is Joshua Corb. I'm a partner at Basis Worldwide. We are a software development firm. The reason we're here is we work with a wide variety of life science companies, a company specific that we've been working with for about 11 years as a company, formerly known as California cryobank merged with a company called cord blood calm, and was recently acquired for $1.2 billion by Cooper surgical. During our time with them, we helped transform their business, their technology, their infrastructure, and all their processes, from a small company out of Santa Monica, into being acquired by feces transforming further helping them through the mergers and acquisitions on the technology side. And then finally, with Cooper surgical, and we are still working with them today, something I'm very proud of the the next company that we have had the great pleasure of working with, from inception, as a company known as one line health, their primary focus is driving using AI technology to basically make the experience of the physician and the patient much much easier, with the idea of sending a survey collecting documents, and then creating the physician note had at the time of the patient's actual visit, and then freeing up the physician for one to two times one to two hours per day. And they've had incredible successes with onboarding of patients irregardless of geographic location or language barriers as well. And finally, is a company that we've helped with a company called Happy ring additionally started out as an aura competitor. During that time, they've also made a pretty large transition into the medical science space, with a focus on wearing a ring rather than going to a lab to basically do analysis and studies associated with how much oxygen is in their blood system. What is their pulse? What's their rate? How well are they sleeping, everything like that, traditionally, you'd have to go into a lab to be able to create those studies. So by wearing a ring, they're able to monitor these patients throughout the entire lifecycle of their drug programs or whatever it might be. And then also track that remotely and very blindly without actually even knowing which patient got which rang or anything along those lines. And that has been a really interesting case study moving into AWS, customer development, data science, AI. I think at this point, you have to say AI and everything you do because it involves technology. And then some of our other clients is HBO, UCLA, health Warner Brothers Cornell, AWS, Toyota, and red. If you look up red in the news, they were just acquired by Nikon cameras for several billions of dollars. So we're very proud of some of these companies that we've had a pleasure to work with. And they're extremely large exits. Again, if you'd like to reach out or have any questions for me, my name is Joshua Corp. You can find me on LinkedIn. And that's our website.


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