Jeff Pompeo 0:04
My name is Jeff Pompeo. I'm the founder and president of Caretaker Medical. We are a wireless hemodynamic patient monitoring company. In fact, the nice thing about a wearable as you can wear your product all around conferences like this to really to really be starters. What we set out to do was do more than just vital signs monitoring. This is hemodynamic monitoring to assess and detect hemodynamic decline in patients rapidly and quickly. So interventions can happen earlier, before Aki and bad things begin to happen. In fact, I'm going to set this here and if this goes like normal, you know, when my nervousness range down, you'll be able to see my blood pressure start dropping as we talk. So let's talk about why this matters, right. So if you look at today's hospital, patients are sicker than ever older than ever and larger than ever. And if you look at the staff that has to treat them, hospitals are overcrowded, especially post COVID, understaffed and have lots of nursing fatigue. The result of this perfect storm is there's an increased risk of undetected patient decline in terms of their human dynamics, meaning their blood pressure, their cardiac output, their breathing rate, their respiratory rate, and that that decompensation leads very directly and very quickly to organ damage. We like to joke in our model that, you know, high blood pressure may kill you eventually. But hypotension a drop in blood pressure is going to kill you right now. And that's what we're worried about, especially in the perioperative continuum in the perioperative kibarim. From from from the surgery to post op there are 4 million deaths a year. And during that during that perioperative continuum, that's where lots of bad things happen, right half of half of cardiac arrests are preceded by a warning, but 66 to 30% of the time, no one's watching. So these are preventable and pre MN and attackable, cardiac arrest issues that can be arrested, if you know about them, somewhere between 25 and 75% of all deaths in hospitals happen in unmonitored beds outside the US ICU. And studies show us that 13% of those deaths are attributed to nobody watching and no one knew. From a fluid management standpoint. 20% of place patients on IV fluids, which is 80% of people in the hospital, by the way, have preventable complications, either because they're over infused, or they're ever under infused. And now with the new sepsis rules, the step one step one bundle to get reimbursement for a sepsis patient, you've got to document what you did or didn't do with regard to the fluids that you gave that patient. And that's a manual process now that products like ours can automate. It's so bad preoperatively that Dr. sessler from Cleveland Clinic says that the month after surgery was considered a disease state, it'd be the third leading cause of death in the United States. And it's all because people clinicians don't know. Let me give you an example. Here's an ICU patients that just came out of surgery being monitored pretty real time in lots of lots of things except for blood pressure, it's got a standard blood pressure cuff on see those blue dots. That's that upper arm cuff, inflating every four minutes, which is about as fast as you can do it before you wear out the brachial artery and see those black lines that's her actual beat by beat blood pressure. That's a blood pressure. That's the real blood pressure central aortic pressure changes. Notice two things notice the volatility in her blood pressure between the blue dots. And more importantly, notice the decline. Unfortunately, she's one of the 9% of an exercise patients that have a drop into the danger zone, where the anesthesiologist has to push a presser to get that blood pressure back up before kidney, kidney injury starts or even death. And by the way, 40 per 7% of these post operative hypertensive events are missed with the spot check. And that's what we set out to do with vital stream. Right. This is actually the world's first FDA cleared wireless wearable with indications for continuous beat by beat blood pressure. That's a blood pressure reading with each heartbeat, as well as advanced human and non human dynamics like cardiac output and stroke volume. So what we set out to do was build a non invasive continuous wire free monitor to untether patients from the boat anchors that are that are trapping them in beds, so they can ambulate early, plus deliver real time data that that will detect deteriorating events before they happen. Allow quick diagnosis and most importantly, rapid fluid guidance or direction of what the what the, what the event needs to be. Now, their continuous beat by beat blood pressure and cardiac output already exists. And the gold standard is invasive catheters. If you want to measure cardiac output in real time, if you want to measure beat by beat blood pressure in real time, this is the gold standard, you stick in art, you stick a catheter into your artery somewhere on your body. But because they're invasive, because they have infection risk, because they delay treatment, they're really only used in the O R and the ICU. In fact, you can't leave the ICU to a lower cost bed until you remove these lines. But what if there was a better way? What if there's a way to get that invasive beat by beat cardiac output, stroke volume, hemodynamics, and blood pressure, but in a non invasive form factor that was wearable that could be up and running in less than 60 seconds. And that's what we built the vital stream. It's a rechargeable watch that has a disposable finger sensor and from that finger sensor. Using our patented pulse decomposition analysis technology, we're able to derive the continuous BP cardiac output respiratory rate, stroke volume and have automatic charting so that so that you don't manually charting for separate sepsis reimbursement and so forth. But we're also a completely wire free platform. So we've integrated pulse oximeter, ECG patches, other wireless sensors into our platform. From our wrist, the data can be displayed on our companion app on our cloud portal, or to central stations or more importantly, directly into EMRs and other monitors like the Philips Intellivue. We actually measure 20 physiological parameters. Again, all FDA cleared, all being sold right now we are an early revenue company looking for more money to scale our Salesforce to drive. So we've proven this out already. I will also point out the fluid management which is a big deal for that sepsis reimbursement. How did this patient respond to fluids positively or negatively? That's up to $43,000 of missed reimbursement that a hospital's not going to get if they didn't document that, very briefly, the way it works is every time your ventricle injects blood into your aortic tree, there's a reflective wave that comes back up out into your periphery, our finger sensor digitizes that waveform, tears it into its constituent parts, and derives all of those FDA cleared things. Now, you would say this is great, but only if it's accurate. We've got 16 published papers over the last seven years showing our accuracy, not to an upper arm cuff, which is plus or minus 10 points, by the way, but directly to the gold standard, a line on difficult patients sepsis patients, arrhythmia patients, and our cardiac output has been referenced to invasive cardiac thermal dilution, which is the gold standard there. So we see a world where we can eliminate blind spots, not just perioperative, but the entire continuum of care in the IDI and those hallway overflow beds where patients are there for hours and no one's watching until a seminal event happens through the O R to recovery to the med surg Ward, where all those deaths happen postoperatively and even hospital home and clinics. And I'm happy to say since we raised money last year and deployed to Salesforce, we've now got paying customers in each one of these segments, all being driven by early indications to reduce rapid response, reduced length of stay in the expensive ICU beds, and to reduce those fluid and Aki injuries. We spent the first eight years of this company in r&d mode that was a very heavy lift last year, and we've gotten five FDA clearances last year was really our coming out party. We raised $5 million notable investors are Baxter and Phillips in our company. And this year, we're raising a growth round of capital specifically to take our five persons Salesforce and quintuple it and go out there and leverage the paying customers that we have now the notable hospital names that you have and the 200 Plus clinics we have that range from sleep disorder labs to infusion centers, to outpatient surgery centers, and democratize non invasive wirefree. Follow the patient hemodynamic monitoring. Thank you very much.
Serial entrepreneur, Angel Investor, and Board/Advisor with a proven track record leading, growing and monetizing technology-driven companies across the full life-cycle of inception & funding to product-launch & exit. Twenty-five years of success building world-class organizations and executing "idea-to-implementation" hyper-growth strategies for FDA-regulated MedTechs, University spin-outs, Tech-company turnarounds, IoT businesses, and Disruptive Technology Innovations.
Specialties: Startup Capitalization; University Spin-outs, BizPlan Creation, Product Development, GoToMarket Strategies, Corporate Turnarounds & Restructuring and Intellectual Property Licensing.
Serial entrepreneur, Angel Investor, and Board/Advisor with a proven track record leading, growing and monetizing technology-driven companies across the full life-cycle of inception & funding to product-launch & exit. Twenty-five years of success building world-class organizations and executing "idea-to-implementation" hyper-growth strategies for FDA-regulated MedTechs, University spin-outs, Tech-company turnarounds, IoT businesses, and Disruptive Technology Innovations.
Specialties: Startup Capitalization; University Spin-outs, BizPlan Creation, Product Development, GoToMarket Strategies, Corporate Turnarounds & Restructuring and Intellectual Property Licensing.
Jeff Pompeo 0:04
My name is Jeff Pompeo. I'm the founder and president of Caretaker Medical. We are a wireless hemodynamic patient monitoring company. In fact, the nice thing about a wearable as you can wear your product all around conferences like this to really to really be starters. What we set out to do was do more than just vital signs monitoring. This is hemodynamic monitoring to assess and detect hemodynamic decline in patients rapidly and quickly. So interventions can happen earlier, before Aki and bad things begin to happen. In fact, I'm going to set this here and if this goes like normal, you know, when my nervousness range down, you'll be able to see my blood pressure start dropping as we talk. So let's talk about why this matters, right. So if you look at today's hospital, patients are sicker than ever older than ever and larger than ever. And if you look at the staff that has to treat them, hospitals are overcrowded, especially post COVID, understaffed and have lots of nursing fatigue. The result of this perfect storm is there's an increased risk of undetected patient decline in terms of their human dynamics, meaning their blood pressure, their cardiac output, their breathing rate, their respiratory rate, and that that decompensation leads very directly and very quickly to organ damage. We like to joke in our model that, you know, high blood pressure may kill you eventually. But hypotension a drop in blood pressure is going to kill you right now. And that's what we're worried about, especially in the perioperative continuum in the perioperative kibarim. From from from the surgery to post op there are 4 million deaths a year. And during that during that perioperative continuum, that's where lots of bad things happen, right half of half of cardiac arrests are preceded by a warning, but 66 to 30% of the time, no one's watching. So these are preventable and pre MN and attackable, cardiac arrest issues that can be arrested, if you know about them, somewhere between 25 and 75% of all deaths in hospitals happen in unmonitored beds outside the US ICU. And studies show us that 13% of those deaths are attributed to nobody watching and no one knew. From a fluid management standpoint. 20% of place patients on IV fluids, which is 80% of people in the hospital, by the way, have preventable complications, either because they're over infused, or they're ever under infused. And now with the new sepsis rules, the step one step one bundle to get reimbursement for a sepsis patient, you've got to document what you did or didn't do with regard to the fluids that you gave that patient. And that's a manual process now that products like ours can automate. It's so bad preoperatively that Dr. sessler from Cleveland Clinic says that the month after surgery was considered a disease state, it'd be the third leading cause of death in the United States. And it's all because people clinicians don't know. Let me give you an example. Here's an ICU patients that just came out of surgery being monitored pretty real time in lots of lots of things except for blood pressure, it's got a standard blood pressure cuff on see those blue dots. That's that upper arm cuff, inflating every four minutes, which is about as fast as you can do it before you wear out the brachial artery and see those black lines that's her actual beat by beat blood pressure. That's a blood pressure. That's the real blood pressure central aortic pressure changes. Notice two things notice the volatility in her blood pressure between the blue dots. And more importantly, notice the decline. Unfortunately, she's one of the 9% of an exercise patients that have a drop into the danger zone, where the anesthesiologist has to push a presser to get that blood pressure back up before kidney, kidney injury starts or even death. And by the way, 40 per 7% of these post operative hypertensive events are missed with the spot check. And that's what we set out to do with vital stream. Right. This is actually the world's first FDA cleared wireless wearable with indications for continuous beat by beat blood pressure. That's a blood pressure reading with each heartbeat, as well as advanced human and non human dynamics like cardiac output and stroke volume. So what we set out to do was build a non invasive continuous wire free monitor to untether patients from the boat anchors that are that are trapping them in beds, so they can ambulate early, plus deliver real time data that that will detect deteriorating events before they happen. Allow quick diagnosis and most importantly, rapid fluid guidance or direction of what the what the, what the event needs to be. Now, their continuous beat by beat blood pressure and cardiac output already exists. And the gold standard is invasive catheters. If you want to measure cardiac output in real time, if you want to measure beat by beat blood pressure in real time, this is the gold standard, you stick in art, you stick a catheter into your artery somewhere on your body. But because they're invasive, because they have infection risk, because they delay treatment, they're really only used in the O R and the ICU. In fact, you can't leave the ICU to a lower cost bed until you remove these lines. But what if there was a better way? What if there's a way to get that invasive beat by beat cardiac output, stroke volume, hemodynamics, and blood pressure, but in a non invasive form factor that was wearable that could be up and running in less than 60 seconds. And that's what we built the vital stream. It's a rechargeable watch that has a disposable finger sensor and from that finger sensor. Using our patented pulse decomposition analysis technology, we're able to derive the continuous BP cardiac output respiratory rate, stroke volume and have automatic charting so that so that you don't manually charting for separate sepsis reimbursement and so forth. But we're also a completely wire free platform. So we've integrated pulse oximeter, ECG patches, other wireless sensors into our platform. From our wrist, the data can be displayed on our companion app on our cloud portal, or to central stations or more importantly, directly into EMRs and other monitors like the Philips Intellivue. We actually measure 20 physiological parameters. Again, all FDA cleared, all being sold right now we are an early revenue company looking for more money to scale our Salesforce to drive. So we've proven this out already. I will also point out the fluid management which is a big deal for that sepsis reimbursement. How did this patient respond to fluids positively or negatively? That's up to $43,000 of missed reimbursement that a hospital's not going to get if they didn't document that, very briefly, the way it works is every time your ventricle injects blood into your aortic tree, there's a reflective wave that comes back up out into your periphery, our finger sensor digitizes that waveform, tears it into its constituent parts, and derives all of those FDA cleared things. Now, you would say this is great, but only if it's accurate. We've got 16 published papers over the last seven years showing our accuracy, not to an upper arm cuff, which is plus or minus 10 points, by the way, but directly to the gold standard, a line on difficult patients sepsis patients, arrhythmia patients, and our cardiac output has been referenced to invasive cardiac thermal dilution, which is the gold standard there. So we see a world where we can eliminate blind spots, not just perioperative, but the entire continuum of care in the IDI and those hallway overflow beds where patients are there for hours and no one's watching until a seminal event happens through the O R to recovery to the med surg Ward, where all those deaths happen postoperatively and even hospital home and clinics. And I'm happy to say since we raised money last year and deployed to Salesforce, we've now got paying customers in each one of these segments, all being driven by early indications to reduce rapid response, reduced length of stay in the expensive ICU beds, and to reduce those fluid and Aki injuries. We spent the first eight years of this company in r&d mode that was a very heavy lift last year, and we've gotten five FDA clearances last year was really our coming out party. We raised $5 million notable investors are Baxter and Phillips in our company. And this year, we're raising a growth round of capital specifically to take our five persons Salesforce and quintuple it and go out there and leverage the paying customers that we have now the notable hospital names that you have and the 200 Plus clinics we have that range from sleep disorder labs to infusion centers, to outpatient surgery centers, and democratize non invasive wirefree. Follow the patient hemodynamic monitoring. Thank you very much.
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