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Isabella Schmitt Presents Proxima Clinical Research at LSI Europe '23

Proxima Clinical Research works with emerging medical device companies across all phases of development.
Isabella Schmitt
Isabella Schmitt
Director of Regulatory Affairs, Proxima Clinical Research



Isabella Schmitt  0:03  
Hello, welcome to a session this afternoon. So I'm Isabella Schmitt. I'm the Vice President of Life Sciences at Proxima clinical research. Proxima slides are not up but that's okay. Proxima is a contract research organization, a full service contract research organization. So we do regulatory quality clinical and usability studies. We are located in the Texas Medical Center. So that's right in the heart of the largest largest medical center in the world. So that's Proxi our our logo, our mascot, and as you can see, we're founded in 2017. So we're a relatively new contract research organization. We work with biotech medtech diagnostics. So we're pretty agnostic as far as the type of products we work with. Primarily, we want to work with innovative companies like yourselves, getting you through those milestones with regulatory quality and clinical and that is all I've got to say about Proxima. We have a booth over there. If you would like to come see us after this. We're I'm happy to chat with any of you. So I'm going to introduce our first presenter, it's going to be Claartja Ypma, for CEO of Augmedit. Thank you.

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