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Ignasi Belda Presents MiWEndo Solutions at LSI Europe '23

MiWendo is developing a novel solution that attaches to conventional colonoscopes to increase field-of-view and differentiate between malignant and benign polyps.
Ignasi Belda
Ignasi Belda
CEO, MiWEndo Solutions



Ignasi Belda  0:05  
Well, first of all, my name is Ignasi Belda as I have been introduced, and first of all, they would like to welcome to you to Barcelona, which is the home of my company MiWEndo. So, let me know how I have to pass this. Okay. You may wonder we work in colorectal cancer detection. As you probably may know, colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers around the world, including US, Japan, Germany, Spain, etc. Every year, there are almost 2 million of new cases around the world. And unfortunately, the survival rate, the five years survival rate is only about 50%. The reasons for these figures is that the current gold standard for diagnosing colorectal cancer, which is colonoscopy fails quite a lot. Actually 22% of the polyps are never seen on a regular colonoscopy. And this means that 8% of colorectal cancers could be avoidable. To solve this problem, or to achieve this problem, we have been working on a new medical device which is a disposable device that contains a reader based on microwaves. This radar has been miniaturized, it's very thin it size is three millimeters. And it has been designed as a ring that is attachable at the distal end of the coroner scope in the way that during a colonoscopy. If our radar detects a polyp, then we meet an acoustic signal to warn the gastroenterologist that is performing the colonoscopy. In the same way that our cars when you're parking your car backwards, you may listen, an acoustic signal if you're going to crash the wall like BBB BBB, you may be familiar with the sound right? We are using the same concept. If the colonoscope passes next to a polyp, then we are emitting this acoustic signal. And then if the person druggies have seen the polyp than perfect, but if not, he or she has to look for it. So the advantages of this system is that we are providing 360 degrees of detection. And more interestingly, we are providing a kind of automatic detection of the polyps. We are in a market in a huge market of more than 20 million colonoscopies per year in our seven target markets where we have been where our granted sort of where our patent has been granted in Japan, US, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, in almost 17,000 hospitals. With respect the benchmark, obviously there are other competing technologies from other manufacturers. Under two very important points that I would like to highlight. First of all, as I was saying before, there are 360 degrees of detection. And the second the automatic detection that we can provide of the polyps in the column. According to our preclinical data and our first clinical data, I will explain in a minute, we hypothesize that we can increase the the normal detection rate by 20%. This market, as you may know, is a very hot market. Actually in the world, there are only 10 manufacturers of colonoscopy will improve Boston Scientific Ambu, etc. And those guys, they are acquiring a lot of companies and a lot of technology to improve their customer scopes. Here I put some recent examples of those guys that are acquiring other startups and other technology to improve their customer scopes. Just the last one was an input at quiet Quiet quiet, or the Envision at the end of of 2022 by with 20 $18 million dollars. So yeah, so this is our roadmap. Currently we are in our second we are in the middle of our second clinical trial to test efficacy with 50 patients here in the hospital clinic of Barcelona, one of the most prestigious hospitals in Europe. Previously, we did our first clinical trial that was finished just one year ago, where we tested safety and the results were very good. And in the future. We are planning for next year, a third clinical trial with almost 1000 patients across Europe. To finances this we have raised already 7 million euros from public and private sources. And we are now raising 4 million euros to finance our future developments. So our company is an a spinoff from several academic institutions here in Barcelona. We have been awarded with multiple national and international prices. And of course, we have to be thankful to some European institutions like the European Innovation Council, European Innovation Council, and the EIT health because of the grants that we have received from them, such as the EAC accelerator. We are three founders, my two colleagues, Martha Guardiola, she's a PhD in telecommunications. She's an expert in in microwaves, and our technical director, and my colleague Gloria Fernandez, she's gastroenterologist with more than 25 years in the field, and myself who is a serial entrepreneur in the field. In the dim now we are 17 people, including people from the Alatorre clinics, biomedical engineers, electrical engineers, software engineers, etc. And our history doesn't finish here, because now we are super Fiocchi focused on colorectal cancer. But we have discovered many other applications of our microwave imaging technology, for instance, in Jain ecology, but also in rheumatology or ontology, etc. So in the future, we want to start to build a full pipeline of products of medical devices based on microwave imagenes imaging and all the bands as technical advances that we have developed during these four years. So thank you very much for your attention. And if you have any questions, I will be glad to answer it or just to chat around. Thank you

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