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HealthySole | Peter Kassel, CEO

HealthySole is the pioneer and technology leader in reducing the pathogen load in settings where pristine environments are required: hospitals, compounding pharmacies, pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing, food handling, and even EMS and law enforcement.
Peter Kassel
Peter Kassel
CEO, HealthySole


Hello, my name is Peter Kassel and I'm CEO and co founder of HealthySole, we have developed a device that uses UVC light to deal with one of the most under addressed reservoirs of pathogens spread and contamination, the soles of shoes. The problem is that AGI has continued to be a problem for hospitals. While we've seen decreases in numbers between 2015 and 2018. The strain of COVID-19 brought us back up to 2015 levels. That means roughly 700,000 infections within a hospital resulting in roughly 72,000 deaths, and an estimated costs of last two hospitals of 40 billion in today's money. To top this off, the CDC estimates that nearly 70% of these infections are preventable. They suggest that one out of every 31 patients that enters into a hospital will leave with an infection that they did not have prior. The other thing to keep in mind is that the Center for epidemic preparedness is a tracking seven diseases currently with pandemic potential. So we could be looking at a very new world in terms of trying to deal with infection prevention. The biggest issue that we see is that floors have not really changed much in terms of being addressed for the last seven years, your vacuum sweep mop at a 12 to 24 hour interval. But the CDC shows that within three hours, your floor is dealing with the same level of pathogenic load that it was prior to treatment. That can mean up to a 21 hour period in which your floors are highly contaminated. Why this is important is that the floor is not the final destination for pathogens, footsteps, the movement of materials, air circulation carts, all of these cause a cloud of these microbiology to go up into the air five to six feet landing on touch surfaces, patients beds, and more. Ironically, shoes are both the most contaminated and most mobile item in any healthcare facility. Think of every place that you've walked today and what you've brought with you on this entire trip everywhere you went in the airport. Think of every patient that a provider sees on their rounds or a nurse treats. All of these are coming with them from point A to point B being deposited on the floor and kicked up into the air. We're still is that clinical studies show that every method that we use right now is at best inconclusive of dealing with these issues, while also being at worst, ineffective. What we see as the solution is healthy soul, you stand on the device for eight seconds. UVC is exposed to the soul of the shoe and we see a reduction of 99.99% of HA causing pathogens, the idea would be to place it frequently throughout troubled areas within a hospital. While the entrance might seem like the number one place to place one of these items. The truth is is that a hospital deals with a pretty significant irony, which are bringing the most infectious patients into a building that is treating the most susceptible. It's a highly visible effort by a facility to treat the issue. We've heard great responses from nurses and health care providers feeling as if they are being protected just as much as the patient. We also see reduced costs and expensive chemicals and solvents and ineffective booties. booties are roughly 25 to 50 cents for a piece and you're dealing with hundreds if not 1000s of them discarded on a monthly basis. These are only only meant for biohazardous material not for Microbiology. A customer of ours that had adopted the products during the COVID 19 pandemic had seen a zero patient to care transmission of the COVID 19 disease even while dealing with 70 to 80 people at a time in their ward. You'll see here our kill rates, UVC is extremely effective against viruses than bacteria than funguses and mold. Interestingly, we've seen a real world example in which we placed a unit with no UVC coming out and a unit with UVC coming out next to each other in two different rooms. We then tested the presence of C Diff at the Clean Air input that means were treated airs coming back into the room, as well as a one a one foot space on a wall. We then had the medical professionals use the item they recorded a 70% compliance rate in terms of using our product. And we started reduction of C Diff in both of those areas both in the number of colonies and the density of them by 30%. Just by this product being used. You'll see your health study that we did with the University of Houston School of Pharmacy, we spiked a DNA tag strain of E coli on the soles of shoes. We then moved through a mock hospital room as if we were a medical care professional and tested each of these surfaces. They did hundreds of swabs on the floor of the furniture of the bed in the patient. You'll see that 100% of those swabs came back positive for E coli 98%. On the furniture family would sit on 96% of the swabs on the patient came positive for that strain of E coli. When repeating this process using our product, we saw a 90% reduction of present E coli on the furniture, the bed and the patient with a 30% 70% reduction on the floor itself. What we see is a very large addressable US market roughly 2.6 billion when accounting for hospitals, private practices and dental facilities, long term extended care, ambulatory surgery centers, testing laboratories, compound pharmacies that goes on. When we look at the worldwide markets and new verticals that have become very clear to us during the COVID 19 pandemic. We see this grow by roughly 5 billion This is EU initiatives continued pandemic outbreak logistics and shipping processes, sterile manufacturing, and much more. Over the last year, what we've worked on his building distributor networks and connections we had signed with direct supply and at the beginning of this year signed with Henry Schein, we dealt with UVC compliance, which we have been always up to date with and ETL has updated their processes which we have now passed in terms of safety compliance. We have worked on how to draft and are going to be submitting a systematic review about the issue that choose post to fit medical facilities. And in the future, what we would like to do is very much implement an office in the European Union. There are a lot of efforts to adopt technologies like this there and we see a very big big potential there. The current revenue model is selling the unit for $55.95. We have annual replacement parts that are roughly 300 as well as optional warranties and servicing plans that come with extra costs. The estimated cost of goods sold is 25% with a 75% gross margin. We have a leasing program driven by Mitsubishi financial, which is also then followed up as a white labeled healthy sole financial plan. And we've seen significant international appeal. Most of our patients, our products and customers have been from overseas. We have strong utility patents, we have three utility patents on the way the product is built. These have also been issued in China, South Korea, Spain, Japan, and we're waiting on India. The competition currently is booties which are wasteful and ineffective for this kind of process. Tacky mats which only deal with detritus and particulates. Wet baths which are completely unusable in this type of facility. And mopping which is infrequent prone to human error uses chemical solvents. There's one direct UVC based competitor, they advertise that they emit ozone, which is a known irritant and could be subject to 510 K FDA clearance. They're six times more expensive, and they use a brittle and costly quartz plate as well. They pose significant regulatory issues due to the amount of UVC that comes out. What we've seen is that our greatest sales have been from returning customers, customers who purchase a few of them for their own pilot studies and adopted very heavily. For an example we sold three units to a long term Extended Care Network, they came back and purchased 105 new units on the spot. Our team has a long history of medical sales. The CEO of our chairman is the CEO of two public companies made exits. Our top advisors are the previous CEO of APEC, as well as top sales managers for groups like Postmates and Yelp, we're looking to continue to build strong connections in these areas, and, you know, make strong growth sales. We started with the idea in 2011. But we began healthcare sales in 2018. We've raised roughly 5 million from the founder, family and friends. We have 65 clients and three key verticals and have generated 1.3 million in the last two years, and we have strong interest from the top independent researchers in the country, as well as key opinion leaders. To recap Healthy Sole is a proven way of dealing with the most unaddressed pathogen contamination method in a hospital. There is a huge untapped market across any number of verticals, which have been made clear by the COVID 19 pandemic. And we have great distributor acceptance in terms of our technology. Follow that up with a strong team with a history of technology and medical sales. And we believe that this provides a really great opportunity for the future of medicine. My name is Peter Kassel, I'm CEO of Healthy Sole and I really appreciate your time. Thank you.



uvcpatientfloorhospitalroughlydealingpathogenspandemicceosalesunitmicrobiologyfacilityadoptedbootiestermse coliineffectivesoldtested


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