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George Lewis, Arena - a PTC Business | LSI USA '24

Arena’s cloud-native product lifecycle management (PLM) and quality management system (QMS) solutions revolutionize how companies design, produce, and deliver innovative products.
George Lewis
George Lewis
, Arena, a PTC Business

George Lewis  0:02  
I'm George Lewis, VP of growth for Arena a PTC Business. For those of you that don't know, us, Arena is a QMS. In PLM tool, we call ourselves product centric QMS. So if you have a discrete, a bill of materials in your product, we're a great solution for managing QMS and the product data for your organization. We've won many awards, we're commonly used for organizations that are pre revenue, through growth through a 510 k or a PMA. And then onto the growth stages of the business, you know, so we can scale with you as your business needs change. As far as some of our customers who were at the event here, there's actually around 50 customers at the event right now, these are 30 of them on the slide here or so a lot of them experienced the same story that he just talked about, where they begin using Arena in the early stages of the organization's organization and then grow, you know, beyond their seed funding. Some great examples of that here would be galvanized galvanized, started a few months ago, or I'm sorry, a couple of years ago with about 10 users or so at around 100 users. Now. Third, Pole Therapeutics is a company right at the beginning of their journey, where they just acquired the solution a few weeks ago, some organizations grow to be 1000s, even a 10,000 users. So it's a solution that can really grow with your organization. Some key things to point out here is you know, we're the cloud market leader with over 1400 cloud based deployments today, we're highly scalable, 30% of our customers have been with us for more than 10 years. And then finally, rapid growth, over 400 of our customers have experienced 300% growth since acquiring arenas technologies. So it's a little bit about the background and some of the other organizations you may run into here at LSI. So what is it, a cloud native PLM, and QMs, such that we can support really different aspects of what the business needs. So if you want to start with QMs, and basic document management, you can do that moving on into quality workflows, training, record management, supplier quality management are all common use cases for our technology. But most organizations begin small, right, just have the basics and then realize they have a foundation that they can build upon as the business needs change. The solution is fully validated right out of the box. So as you get started, you don't have to worry about IQ or OQ, or anything along those lines. But the tool can evolve as you need it to. In fact, as industry regulations change like EU MDR or FDA, we're constantly evolving the solution, right? It's always getting better, because it's a cloud based solution. Again, we're taking care of validation on your behalf. That's really one of the big benefits for organizations is you don't really have to worry about the technology. We're there to support your processes initially. And then as you grow, you can modify those processes to accommodate a scaling organization. And or lean on us. We have customer success coaches that can help organizations as their business needs change, right? They can give you advice to say, hey, of our 1000 customers, here's a company that looks like you how would you like to configure it, they can help you do that. One of the other aspects I really like to point out about having all the departments in a tool is yes, QA and RA are happy to have a QMS tool in place which Arena is but we pull the other departments into the solution as well by virtue of the fact that engineering is commonly involved in a tool like Arena, because they're working around the product centricity of the tool, right. So they're running engineering change orders, they're uploading bills of materials and design documentation. When it comes to quality, which I know everybody here is concerned about. You already have all those folks in the tool manufacturing engineering operations, even supply chain, you know, it's common for organizations, post 510 K to start involving suppliers and the tool as well. And you can involve them in a corrective and preventative action like we're looking at here. But really, I think the key point is the tool really centers on the needs of really three key aspects of the tool, which is product, document, so document think SOPs and work instructions, trainings, things along those lines. And then finally quality. So your cap is your non conformance is your customer complaints. Those are all other aspects of the tool and you can really begin wherever you need to. If you have a product with discrete parts in it, this is probably the right QMS for you to take a look at because we can help manage all all aspects of the product data. So quick customer store. I do like to point out Potrero here. Their CEO was quoted as saying Arena QMS is the true that's true product lifecycle management system that's better than typical doc focused QMS tools. I'll stop there. But the idea is if you have a product that's complex, this is the right tool to consider because it can help all aspects of your business. Some of the metrics you see there are supported through quality like training, compliance and non conformance. Other metrics here that can help you improve and beat change order approval cycle times and just speeding up the overall process of the business.


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