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Eric Brown, OsteoCentric Technologies - Targeting Implant Instability | LSI USA '24

OsteoCentric Technologies is harnessing the power of mechanical integration to secure implants to bone.
Eric Brown
Eric Brown
, OsteoCentric Technologies

Eric Brown  0:00  
My name is Eric Brown. I'm the founder and CEO of OsteoCentric Technologies, a medical device technology company based in Austin, Texas. We invented mechanical integration, the first implant to bone interface it's capable of instantly interlocking an implant to a patient's bone. We're addressing the global systemic problem of implant instability, which has plagued the orthopedic and dental industries for decades.

Our core brand is unify EMI, it was inspired by the aerospace and heavy industry technologies that allow you to instantly connect two parts together without damaging their part. Mechanical integration is the world's first implant bone interface that not only is capable of achieving primary stability, but sustaining that primary stability over time. So what we have here is a historical event. Surgeons now for the first time in 80 years from orthopedic, neuro, and dentist, now have a Choice of the current global standard of a compression based interface between the implant in the bone or the modern day mechanical integration interface, which we fully expect to become the new global standard of care. What's the difference? The interface between implants and bone today, the current standard globally is the compression based interface. And as the implant is inserted into the bone, the bone is damaged, which leads to implant instability. Simple as that the unify mi interface technology that was derived from the aerospace industry. As it is inserted in the bone, it preserves the bone, it instantly fastens to the bone and creates instantaneous primary stability which can be sustained over time. And if you're going to be bold enough to say you're creating a new standard of care, which we hear a lot, then you can't just improve upon the performance capabilities of the current standard of care. You have to introduce new performance capabilities that the current standard of care is not capable of providing. The future standard of care for the bone implant interface unify mechanical integration is capable of preserving the architecture and biology of the bone. The current standard is not the future standard of the implants bone interface is capable of interlocking to the bone instantly, not only instantly, but circumferentially. The current standard of care globally, is not. The future standard of care is also capable of sustaining that primary instant implant stability over time. And the current standard is clearly not. And the future standard is capable of resisting off axis loads and sharing loads with the bone, whereas the current standard is simply not. Last geocentric is a diverse company, we have organic products that we focus on unify mi interface technology, there are mainly fracture fixation products, we sell these directly to key opinion leader surgeons at the country's leading teaching institutions. And the point there is is to sell those products to create a new performance standard for the interface. But it's not to sell the product is to create the new performance standard. We also private label dental and spine implants, we upgrade those implants from the current implant to bone compression based interface to the unify EMI interface. We sell those products directly to key opinion leader surgeons only at teaching hospitals. And again, not to necessarily drive revenue there but to create a new performance standard. We also acquire products, we acquired the integrity si fusion system from Mayo Clinic. We upgraded their interface from the compression base over to unify MI. And we sell that technology to key opinion leader surgeons to create a new performance standard for si views in surgery. And we also just recently leveraging our 80 Plus teaching center footprint and eight years of performance across these verticals started licensing unify mi technology to market leading companies. When we licensed the technology to those companies, we have a lot of very unique market capabilities that we can offer to our licensees. were actually able to preserve all their currently deployed instruments and implant sets, which are very high cost and highly depreciated asset, we're able to apply our unify interface to their existing implants with a simple change of the software programming on the machine that makes the implants. We're able then to implement those new implants without cannibalizing their existing inventory. We're able to maintain all the current surgical techniques training, leverage the clearances, we disrupt the national contracts, convert surgeons take market share via the competitive advantage, overcome representation, loyalties, and then earn a premium price in in the leading teaching hospitals in the country. We're also able to provide our licensees with a lot of other services including engineering, QA Ra, extensive manufacturing capabilities, we have a logistics firm that provides inspection, warehousing, packaging, everything you can need, sales training, and then of course, the unified brand equity. We have all four pieces in place from r&d quality and distribution, we have a gap in manufacturing. So we have 12 certified unify manufacturers in the United States. We don't have any in house manufacturing. So we're raising $20 million to acquire a targeted asset for manufacturing so that we can manufacture our own organic products. Our private label products are acquired products, and we can give a quick start to market for our licensees so that they can get off to the market rapidly. And we can turn the royalties rapidly. And finally, we have two entities that we are raising capital into at the moment up to $10 million. Each one of them is osteo centric, si fusion that has the rights to the integrity si fusion system we acquired from the CLI from Mayo Clinic. We upgraded the interface to the unify mi interface. There is a forthcoming 600 patients study being published out of mayo with no failures. We've produced 50 sets manufacturing 50 sets for commercialization. So this is a pure revenue play. They'll raise up to $10 million into osteo center QSI fusion, drive revenue and create a new performance standard in SI fusion surgery. osteo centric Dental is the second entity we're raising up to $10 million into osteo centric Dental. Before we were able to put the first unify mi dental implant into a human being received a multi 100 million dollar royalty offer from one of the top three dental companies in the world. But the data that's coming in from our own dental implants is showing a very clear pathway to one step, implant restore same day. And that's because we're able to actually sustain that primary stability over time and we have the patient data to prove it. So that's what's going on in Austria centric technologies. I would like to thank my colleague, Jason tapa lossky, joined us recently from his world over there in the endoscopy space. And the only thing is, Jason is I would have been nice if I had known about this meeting 10 years and $100 million ago. So thank you very much. Lovely conference my first time and congrats on a great meeting. Thank you


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