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Dean Gray Presents Life Science Consultants at LSI Europe '23

LSC helps the Global Healthcare Industry bringing breakthrough therapies to market through crafted commercial insights and strategies.
Dean Gray
Dean Gray
Partner, Life Science Consultants



Life Science Consultants  0:03  
Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for coming to the session on the afternoon of the third day. We're almost there. My name is Dean Gray. I'm a partner with LSC Life Science Consultants. And Before introducing our first presenter and hearing from the rest of this group of very exciting companies, I just like to take a few minutes to first of all, say thank you to LSI for the invitation to sponsor this session. And of course, I'd like to take a few minutes to tell you more about LSC and how we help medtech companies grow. We'll see if this will work. So LSC is a strategy consultancy that is focused exclusively on life science companies, we serve medtech, as well as digital health and connected healthcare companies, including AI companies. We also work with a range of diagnostic firms and biopharma as well as investors in this space. Our expertise crosses multiple disease areas, we have worked in all of the major disease areas, it seems as well as a number of rare diseases across a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic applications in multiple different delivery care, or care delivery situations in both acute care and chronic care settings. We partner with our clients across the total commercial lifecycle from the very beginning and understanding opportunity through product development and commercialization, although we are not a product development house, but we help understand and provide feedback from end users and Kol is during the product development process that helps companies understand design considerations. But ultimately, we're focused on understanding the clinical and the economic value of products in the context in which they're going to be used. So we partner with companies also in market entry and go to market strategy both for market entry into new geographic segments or markets, as well as product launch of novel or repositioned products. So we're very proud that we provide the experience to rapidly analyze the situation, strong critical thinking, to evaluate options, creativity to identify and validate solutions and the discipline to get all of this done and very, very tight timelines. LSC is a global organization. We have like eight locations across the US, Europe, India and Latin America. And this enables us to have people on the ground to provide real life insight into patients, payers and regulators, health care professionals, as well as investors in each of these countries. And to date we have operated in over 30 countries worldwide. I'd like to give you just a brief overview of some of the typical problems that we address with emerging medtech companies. We're very focused on helping innovative medtech companies enter the market seamlessly and grow. And some of the typical challenges that we address and solve are, first of all, understanding what that market opportunity is particularly across the patient journey. So we're very focused in defining that patient journey, particularly in what might be a fragmented patient journey across different points of care. In a healthcare system, we're very focused on understanding that digital connectivity and that digital ecosystem that is surrounding those points of care. And with that, we understand the data flows, the decision making points, the reimbursement events, and the money flows around that patient over that course of care. And with that understanding and some insight into the competitive landscape, we can truly build a bottoms up market profile and valuation that has great specificity and focus. We next help clients understand and define what the prospective clinical benefit across these multiple points of care are. And this is particularly relevant for device data connected and data solutions where it might not be evident what the benefit is, and we know that both clinical and non clinical stakeholders demand that so what factor what is the transformative benefit of using AI, for example? So we help clients to identify and define those transformative benefits that make the most sense and have the greatest value to multiple stakeholders across that patient journey. Next, we help clients define and validate the clinical use case, and the business case of their solution or product. And this means confirming that in the real world in the hands of health care providers that they are able to realize the clinical outcomes that they expect. But also the use of their product drives the financial and the other KPIs, patient quality of care, for example, that a hospital or an IDN demands. And finally, we are very focused on helping companies of all sizes, but particularly startups entering the market for the first time to understand the obstacles and the barriers to adoption of advanced technology. I think you heard from our last panel, how important it is to understand how to prepare end users and customers to seamlessly and rapidly adopt new technology and products and digitally connected solutions. So they can be streamlessly fully integrated into workflow, ideally improve workflow, augment workforces, but also ultimately, this is important for preparing organizations and companies to scale and to drive revenue and achieve the ROI that they expect and their investors expect. So in summary, our approach combines deep domain insights across major disease areas as well as in surgery and endoscopy and very strong analytical skill sets and capabilities ranging from market insights and ecosystem landscaping, understanding global access points and how to define value and multiple geographic healthcare systems. generating evidence that supports that value proposition pulling it all together with market entry and go to market strategies that makes sense with robust and granular revenue forecasting. And finally providing investors but all clients in this space, qualitative commercial due diligence and company assessments. And with that, I will stop talking and introduce our first presenter.

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