LSI is Officially Heading to Singapore — Register for LSI Asia '25 Today

Continental Capital: Dissecting Innovation & Investment Dynamics & Trends Across Key European Geographies

This panel of experts will explore the distinct nuances of Medtech, Healthtech, and Biotech industries across various European nations, shedding light on the diverse approaches within these healthcare sectors.
Alessio Beverina
Alessio Beverina
Co-Founder & General Partner, Panakes Partners
Anke Cassing
Anke Cassing
Principal, High-Tech Gründerfonds
Sylvain Sachot
Sylvain Sachot
Partner, Asabys Partners
Filip Pintelon
Filip Pintelon
Investment Director, Capricorn Partners

LSI Europe ‘24 is filling fast. Secure your spot today to join Medtech and Healthtech leaders.

September 16-20, 2024 The Ritz-Carlton - Sintra, Portugal Register arrow