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Conner Herman, Percy - Tech Powered Insights For Better Sleep | LSI USA '24

Percy is using technology to capture insights that are converted into science-backed behavioral changes to improve sleep.
Conner Herman
Conner Herman
, Percy

Conner Herman  0:01  
We are Percy, and we are powered by sleep. Our vision is a world in which everyone has the chance to be their best self. And we know that good lives are made out of good days, and good days start with a good night's sleep. Firstly came because I had my first son, I have four children now, I was a major in the Air Force and a job that I loved. I was excited to have a new baby. I did not know that I had postpartum depression. I dismantled my life. I thought I was a liability to my job. I wasn't sleeping. And I left my job, I left the military. After my son was sleeping, my recovery was profound, and I could see my life. And that set me off on a course to help improve the lives of others by fixing sleep. I started the first overnight sleep consultancy in Manhattan. We were spending the night at people's houses teaching children to sleep through the night, the media caught on you're featured on all the morning shows, wrote a book, I could not scale the company. So I went back to school, I got my degree in behavioral psychology. I worked in an Autism Clinic, I got my board certification and behavior analysis. I got my MBA from Kellogg, and then I came up with Percy the poor sleep plays is $100 billion strain on our health care system. And there's a lot of technologies that are out there to help you fix sleep. I'm sure a lot of you are wearing them right now. But you know that they're great data they're providing you with knowledge of what's going on on the inside of your body, your sleep rhythms, your heart rate, your breathing rate in the middle of the night. They're telling you that how you slept, but not telling you how to fix your sleep. And what if you're one of those people who has a comorbid condition where your condition gets worse when you have poor sleep? What if you have epilepsy? What if you have chronic pain? What if you have obesity? What if you have cancer? What if you have autism? 70% of children with autism clinically significant sleep problems? And how are we solving it? We're solving it with medicine 80% of families who go to the doctor for help with sleep get a recommendation for medicine, which is leading to a 530% increase in melatonin overdoses. If you get on Tik Tok, you're gonna see parents giving their children melatonin gummies socialized? And what if I told you that there was a better solution? But learning to sleep is better than medicine? Just really hard to do. That's what I was doing when I started my sleep consultancy. And what if I told you there's a whole profession of people who are board certified in writing behavioral interventions to teach sleep? They just can't because they're collecting data the same way I was collecting data, which is through logs, which is through interviews, daily calls, check ins, the data is not reliable. We've all lied to our dentist about how much we floss. Okay. So what's the solution? reliable data. Our device uses sensors and sends that data to the cloud. The algorithm intuits your behaviors and and organizes it into measurable, actionable data and sends it directly to your provider. We're looking for environmental insights. We're looking for multiparty interactions. We're looking for what woke you up and what you did when you were awake. And we want to measure it. And this is the most important thing. We want to know where you started. And then we want to know where you are after your intervention begins. Because we don't want people being consistent in the wrong direction. So the exciting thing about our company is that we are positioned to be an early entrant in the upcoming healthcare tech boom. If you've been to a medical health conference recently, then all you've heard is about how we're going to integrate AI into healthcare. And nobody wants an AI doctor, but they do want physicians to be to get better data. They want to improve patient outcomes. They want better diagnostics. They want better ways to reach underserved communities. They want chronic disease management, continuous monitoring, early intervention, all of these things that As Percy, that's my company that is what I'm building. Okay, and this is the AMA goals and they see that they've invited us to the last two major health care conferences to be on stage and talk about our important collaborative effort with physicians to improve sleep health care. So our strategy is multi-dimensional, spreading across multiple verticals, comprising both b2b and b2c markets. Our plan is to start with autism. It's an overlooked market, it's $4 billion. And it has the biggest need right now. And guess what? board certified behavior analysts are sitting there and ready and they know what to do with the data. So we are going to unlock sleep health care for an entire community. And that could be enough. But doctors want it too. Though we're working with Children's Hospital, we're planning clinical trials, we're planning to use it as diagnostics. And then guess what, there's a ginormous consumer market that wants this as well. And for a long time, I thought that the tech industry might be competitors. And now I look at them as strategic partners, because our device is non video. So if you want a video in your room as a baby monitor, we can license you our algorithm and improve your technology also. And then you can move to us when you don't want a video in your bedroom anymore. So we have an aggressive plan, but now is the time for us. And where we are targeting our sales for 2025. And that means that we have to complete our research, we have to do pilots. And we have to show the outcomes that we know we're going to achieve. And then I believe that we can do it. I'm not alone. This is a precede company. But look at all the people on our team. All of these people believe in what we're doing. It is not a small idea. And we have a lot to do. And all of these people are opposed to join us. And we're also being led by some of the greatest minds. Dr. Channing Jen is the leading us behavioral researcher, Dr. Ellie Corzine, giant voice in autism, spreading the spreading the word of investing in autism and integrating new technologies. Dr. Tim Herron wrote our cannon, wrote the actual science textbook, applied behavior analysis, we've got Children's Hospital, we were invited to join the MIT dual use program. Air Force Academy says that they are backing our our technology because they see that it is worthwhile for operational readiness. And we just made a partnership with sawtooth to help build our non dilutive part of the business with the DOD and, and contracts. Meanwhile, we also have all of these partnerships. None of this existed a year ago. We just opened our first fundraising a couple weeks ago, and we're already at 50% commitment. We're looking to close this round, so that we can improve our software, improve our product and get through our the research and the pilots that we need to to launch our first seed round, early next year. You're watching this and you want to get involved. Please call me. We're also seeking industry partners for collaboration. I hope that you will join us in our journey to transform lives by transforming sleep health care, because the ability to sleep is not magic, but the power of sleep is magical. Thank you


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