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Claartje Ypma Presents Augmedit at LSI Europe '23

Augmedit develops augmented reality tools to empower physicians and inform patients.
Claartje Ypma
Claartje Ypma
CEO, Augmedit



Claartje Ypma  0:05  
Good afternoon. I'm excited to present to you the future of surgery, and demonstrates how we unlock insights beyond imagination using augmented reality. My name is Claartje Ypma I am CEO and co founder of Augmedit. Up till today the world is still flat for surgeons, they rely heavily on 2d imaging technology, and must mentally translate this data into 3d to accurately plan and perform surgery. This is difficult, inefficient and provides room for error. You see how a neurosurgeon placed a drain in ventricles, fluid chambers of patients based on a 2d scan. Due to the lack of good visual tools it was misplaced and had to be corrected. This happens in 20% of adult patients 40% of pediatric patients, and it's only one example of a preventable error that could have been averted with the correct visual tools. Augmented reality is such a visual tool, augmented develops intuitive software for surgical planning, training, patient education, and surgical navigation driving improved outcomes and massive cost savings for medical institutions. You'll see how our product is used for surgical preparation a conventional scan is uploaded in our cloud using algorithms relevant anatomical structures are automatically segmented. In this case you see in green, the tumor and blue the ventricles, then the hologram can be seen through the Microsoft HoloLens. Here the original scan is still visible to double check if the segmentation was done correctly. And then it can be used for deciding how to position the patient on the OR table, or where to make the opening in the skull to best reach. In this case, the tumor. shared decision making is becoming more and more important. Research shows that patient satisfaction rate drastically improves if he or she is well informed. And in our software, a surgeon can provide a QR codes to a patient who can then open this QR code on their own phone, where they can see a simplified version of their own hologram. And to quote this patient here on the right hand sides, it really helped her reduce her sense of helplessness. By understanding her brain tumors visually in a hologram. We also expected in the near future, more and more hospitals will require that a 3d model of a scan is being included in the informed consent procedure. We really found Augmedit to improve the intraoperative visualization, I just showed you a image where a drain was placed based on today's scan. Our first intraoperative product is for the guidance of switch drain placements. So here in a hologram, you see two simple highlights that are being placed in the right location for such a drain, then the hologram is being matched with great accuracy on the patient. So that during the surgery, the surgeon is being guided through those help lines in a correct positioning. It looks like there's some offset here between the hologram and the patient. But that's because the camera of the whole lens is higher than the eyes of the surgeon. Next month, we will start a randomized control trial to establish that the placement of an AED using our navigation software is superior to the freehand placement of the EPDs. And we expect C approval next summer. So how do we do this, we work with any type of MRI or CT, the scan is being uploaded in our secure cloud environment. And then using different type of segmentations fully automatic or semi automatic of anatomical structures are automatically recognized, and then store it again in our cloud. And consequently the hologram can be looked at through the web on the HoloLens or on the mobile phone. We are hardware and tech agnostic and provide a complete intuitive pipeline. Most of our competitors focus on only one of more of the features I just showed you. So for example, only the automatic segmentation of anatomical structures or matching the hologram on the patient, and they all require capital equipment such as instalments of workstations in the hospitals. All our developments are the result of extensive research. This is one publication that recently came out I wanted to share with you were a group of students, residents and neurosurgeons were asked to perform a task namely to position skill and rotate this tumor inside the head. And one group could only do that by looking at the original MRI. One group could do that by looking at our software on the web with recall the 3d viewer, and one group could do it on the HoloLens. And interestingly enough, and all three groups of people, the ones using the HoloLens performs significantly better even compared to looking at our software on the web. So that really shows that spatial understanding is improved using augmented reality are growing clinical traction is evidenced through the increasing number of academic centers and key opinion leaders adopting our software. We are a SaaS based company we focus on. It's a low priced SaaS business model to generate traction in multiple markets. And we are currently generating early revenue from our commercial class one product. We focus on high volume high impact procedures. As I just mentioned, our beachhead market is the placement of the EPDs. This is a procedure that is being done in each neurosurgical center by both neurosurgeons and residents. And Europe and the US alone, we're talking about over 300,000 surgeries a year. And based on our business model, we expect a sum of approximately 30 million a year. But this is only our beachhead product. So after this, we will expand the product portfolio within and beyond neurosurgery with high impact procedures. And the basic of the expansion of our product portfolio remains the same, we convert a scan into a hologram using AI automatic segmentation of anatomical structure safe place, and then holograms being matched with greater accuracy on the patient. And this last aspect is the main focus of our bending US and European patent applications. So our moonshot vision is really to be able to have dedicated workflows for impactful indications throughout the whole body. We have a stellar leadership team. I co founded the company together with Tristan from dormouse professor of neurosurgery in both Tulies and Utrecht, we've been working together for almost 70 years. And our third co founder is still Mensink, who's a real pioneer in the field of augmented and mixed reality. We have clear execution plan, where we now focus on getting CE approval for our intraoperative product, getting FDA certification for our preclinical products. And by summer next year we expect to do a commercial rollout, expand the company and scale of the company expands our product portfolio. And for that we will shortly open a Series A round so if anybody is interested to learn more, I'm very happy to talk further. Thank you very much for your time. If you would like to see a hologram yourself. You can scan this QR code and use a pin below and it will pop up on your phone. Thank you very much

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