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Caroline Irungu, Medidata - Providing Insights and Evidence for Life Science Companies | LSI USA '24

Medidata helps generate the evidence and insights to help pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device and diagnostics companies, and academic researchers accelerate value, minimize risk, and optimize outcomes.
Caroline Irungu
Caroline Irungu
, Medidata

Caroline Irungu  0:04  
I'd like by playing a little video here just to introduce who we are going beyond to improve patient lives is who we are empowered by scientific expertise and boldly innovative technologies, collapsing time and space to lessen patient burdens and transform life sciences, from Ai data fueled insights to advanced clinical research to engineering 3d virtual twin experiences to more sustainable manufacturing, all in one ecosystem where virtual becomes reality, and we're going beyond never ends. For those who are not familiar with the soul, we started our world over 40 years ago with computer aided design, we believed there was a time and space for 3d modeling of medical devices. And if you interact with SolidWorks today, you know who we are. A over 80% of our medical devices in this world are designed on products such as SolidWorks, CATIA, similia, we believe there's even further that we can go to start to reimagine how we innovate in the med tech space. In 2019, we acquired a company called metadata. And for those of you who do clinical trials and try to bring products to market, you are familiar with metadata metadata has been around for over 20 years, helping companies and innovators and entrepreneurs, execute clinical trials and bring products to market. We're here today and our reason for being here today is to enable this ecosystem ecosystem of medtech to continue to thrive. We've been talking to a lot of entrepreneurs here about our emerging med tech innovation program, which is really designed with small, medium sized businesses, early stage companies to bring their products to market. We have pricing that is allowed aligned with med tech budgets in this category. We really try to think about accelerating study design and study startup, to help companies not get stuck in this world of executing clinical trials and collecting evidence to help their products get to market faster. If I've learned anything, while I've been here, is that time to money is key. And we'd be surprised at how much companies just languish in the world of developing and gathering clinical evidence. Our team is comprised with a lot of experts. A lot of them come from the regulatory industry quality, product design, the opportunity for joint promotional work that we do with our customers, strategic partnerships. That's another key trend that I've heard here today. Strategic partnerships with pharma organization with med tech, with CROs across just the ecosystem, and of course, a dedicated team of experts who are really in the business of helping med tech thrive. So I'm super excited to be here. Thanks for showing up on this after early afternoon session


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