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Carlos Bremer, Brain4Care - Non-Invasive ICP Dynamics Monitoring | LSI USA '24

Brain4care offers an FDA-cleared and non-invasive Intracranial Pressure (ICP) dynamics monitoring technology, eliminating the invasiveness of the current gold standard and unlocking its applicability for patients with brain damage, beyond the ICU.
Carlos Bremer
Carlos Bremer
, Brain4Care

Carlos Bremer  0:03  
Thanks so much for staying here to hear more about Brain4Care. And I'm the president from the company here, North American, how we are already empowering, brain monitoring. So the way we are empowering brain monitoring is by addressing maybe one of the most significant gaps in brain monitoring, which is millions of people should be already been monitoring today. And they are not, they are not not monitoring ICUs or ers or even at home. They are not monitoring the intracranial pressure. So it's very important because the elevation of the ICP that causes intracranial hypertension, depending on the time you're exposed to the intracranial hypertension, you will start suffering neurological deterioration. So why is this gap of billions of people not being monitoring happening is because even 50 years of the appearance of the ICP monitoring, it is still invasive. So if you suffer from elevation of intracranial pressure have to drill a hole in your skull and put the catheter 85% of the people in the planet don't even have access to that. So we are talking about a huge social impact that technology can help in this problem. And just to give you an idea, so you all know this, you're right, the arterial blood pressure monitor 300 million units sold every year. And I guess you don't know that everything that we know about arterial blood pressure does not apply from the neck up here is completely different pressure. And a completely different dynamics because the blood has to balance with the brain and CSF on a dynamic way. So investing here and having the chance to find a company that finally does but this year does in the simpler way as the IBP does. For intracranial pressure, you unlock a huge market. So you don't need to imagine that anymore. This is why we are here. This is the first FDA 510 K clear non invasive technology to monitor intracranial pressure dynamics, tested validated pattern already in us in Brazil with more than 10,000 patients. The most important we are not just unlocking the invasiveness. If you see here, the discovery our founder made is because we are accessing information from the brain three completely different way. is not an image is not electrical is not is skull pulsation. My skull is pulsating by every heartbeat. Your skull is pulsating right now on a heartbeat. On microns. This is a nano technology capable sensor traditional sensor that is measuring our micro pulsation right now. And this pulsation is a waveform called intracranial pressure waveform. So Brain4Care exposes that on the phone, on a tablet, if you want to can monitor you outside here. But more than that, we are the first company to invest to analyze this way from so we have a cloud platform with algorism deriving parameters and the main thing that Brain4Care is doing is creating new parameters to assess the risk of intracranial hypertension. And as you can see here, we can monitor people in a in a clinical office or wherever you want. We are very happy with the IP protection. We just got China two weeks ago we got injured last week. We are covering already 85% of the territory worldwide. With our IP protection Scalpel session. We have Scalpel session for more than 20 years covered and a very attractive business model. So very cost effective. It's going to be a subscription model to our platform, a fixed price per month, no disposable, it's reusable just have to clean and use it again. That brings us to a very attractive gross margin of 95%. Only 33 subscription us will create an AR of $1 million. So it's a very attractive business model and in Brazil where we started where we are based. We have already more than 70 clients both hospitals and clinics already using and very excited with the impact only last year we close with 10,000 patients monitor clinically speaking, this is far more than double of the invasive technology doesn't raise you just for you to have an idea. I forgot to mention there in a yearly basis. 200,000 people monitor from ICP in us 60,000 5000 payments only TBI. Yes 2.5 million people go to the IDI to check the TBI cause the only way is imaging or the clinically speaking so there is no data to assess if you are getting into an intracranial hypertension. So non evasive by far one of the most important things we're doing but the most important from a patient point of views this year. How does the evasive works. So you are here, not your normal journey pressure, you suffer an injury, brain tumor, hemorrhage, stroke, TBI, headache, whatever, your pressure starts to go up, they have to wait until you get to a critical situation to consider drilling a hole in your scalp and then start monitoring. So they wait too long. So you're already exposed to abnormal pressure you, they look at the millimeters of mercury, then they treat and put you down. So they don't care. If you're getting very close to the hypertension for a longer period of time. What they do also, they offer the intracranial pressure away from what I mentioned before for visual interpretation. So some nurses very few do this interpretation, the bedside. So what bring free care did because we have access to this data, we analyze millions of pulses already. And we were able to by creating a biomarker, a neural marker called p2p, one, which is the ratio of the peaks of the waveform, we are now able with our 1.4. So you have intrapreneur potential less than point nine you rule out. But most importantly, finding can say when you are ready, heavier, likely normal away from our potential risk of hypertension. And this will then be done on a week, which is way we can be using screening and is as a trend using the patient as the baseline itself. So what does that mean? Finally we can add a time will intervene before the crisis by intervene before the crisis, what is the idea is that you don't get exposed for so long into a crisis. And that from a cost point of view. A patient in average in the US costs $50,000 one sensor for two whole years 30,000. So with one patient that we avoid to get the ICU, we pay the whole sensor for the whole year and you can monitor how many you want. As I said we have access to the data. Before the validation we went through already we are already with our AI platform generating more and more parameters. I will soon be more than happy to explain what are the new parameters that we are creating. And we are the first company fully dedicated to analyze these raw diamon which is the intracranial pressure waveform. Very science driven we are a spinoff from University of Sao Paulo, Brazil 88 Publications already this week, I think 89 By the end of this week, research around the world very important KOLs and some testimonials that proving that what we are doing is real. Our plan here we are looking for a partner investor to accelerate our US market penetration we have defined it three settings ICU first, the emergency department second, and Kleenex, the third with specific application K wells and we have already six pilots going on. And we started already with our own sales team as Sam of $450 million and open your tam of $8 billion worldwide. And no competitors. The only two ways to get access to the JCPOA was invasive in us. And we are raising here 10 million and most important a partner to enter the US market we raised already 17 Use of Proceeds basically create the team accelerate the penetration and keep gathering data and analyzing it. The idea is to get to the $4 million until the end of next year with the 10 million which will make us eligible for the series B and growth. So this is the plan for investment. We have here a very aligned team and experience with medical advisors or business advisor and scientific advisory committee from the US already backed up by a strong governance in Brazil. Thanks so much. This is my email here. I'm more than happy to answer questions and it will keep the conversation going on. Thank you


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