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Bryant Grigsby Presents Phoenix DeVentures at LSI Europe '23

The company was founded with the purpose of helping promising startups navigate the medical device design and development process to make their innovations a reality.
Bryant Grigsby
Bryant Grigsby
CEO, Phoenix DeVentures



Bryant Grigsby  0:05  
Welcome to track one. I'm Bryant Grigsby from Phoenix DeVentures. I hope everyone's having as good a conference as I am. Yesterday was a great day from what I saw. You know, as we all know, LSI is a great partnering conference, everybody gets excited to meet potential funders and strategics. One of the things I'm here to talk about is also the other partnerships that hopefully all of you are getting a chance to talk to, and that's some of your development and manufacturing partners. So, Phoenix DeVentures is one of those other partners, one of the development and manufacturing partners, were designed to help startups go from napkin sketch all the way through to commercialization. We've been around 22 years and understand that product development is a iterative process, and that sometimes there starts and stops. Sometimes you need some help with different guidance as you go through all the different elements of product development, especially as your funding ebbs and flows. So we have significant resources to help expert and expertise to help innovators leverage what we have to develop your products. So we've got pretty much the engineers, absolute favorite toolkit, we've got molding presses, 3d printers, everywhere, clean rooms, everything that somebody needs to develop pretty much any medtech product all the way through, again, from napkin sketch to to commercialization. We've helped over 500 different clients over the last 22 years, and our clients have been acquired by strategics, such as Stryker, St. Jude, Abbott, Bosch, Medtronic and BD. In the last couple of years, we've had a few actually go public. We've been in every part of the body. From we'd like to say from ingrown toenail to neuroblastoma, we've been in the eyes, we've been in the nose and the lungs and the heart. Pretty much everywhere. We've done oncology. We've done cardiac. Our lowest runner is about 25 catheters a month, our highest runner, we've done 2 million parts. So we're pretty well adapted for startups to go. Whatever your needs are. One of the things that's changing is sterilization. People have been following in the US they're the EPA has been a tightening restrictions on eto sterilization. And to help our our clients on that path. We brought in one of the alternatives to chlorine dioxide sterilization. So in March of next year, the EPA should give their final rulings on how they're going to tighten up sterilization on eto. And so last week, actually, our our CD system came in and we're going through IQ OQ PQ. And once we get through the PQ, we're going to be working closely with the FDA to get our first four products through. Now there is one product that is certified or have gone through with FDA so far. And CD is not something that is new. It's been around for a long time. Most decontamination products go through CD, and it's been used in the food industry for a long time. So while it's new to med tech for sterilization on the front end, it's not new. There we go. So we have three locations in the United States. Our headquarters is in Silicon Valley, in a town called Morgan Hill, just south of San Jose, we have a Lehi, Utah office that's near Salt Lake and then also a golden Colorado office. We have a partner facility in India, where we have engineering resources and manufacturing. So if you need a low cost region, we can supply that as well. We have significant moulding capacity and turnkey manufacturing capacity. So again, so if you've got clinical builds that you need to ramp up, we've got you covered. So here's a quick slide if you want to contact us. So I'm here this whole week. So that's myself so feel free to text me if you want to talk and otherwise I'm excited to bring up one of our customers. Jon Greenwald from Caira Surgical.

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