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Benny Dilmoney Presents Magneto Thrombectomy Solutions at LSI Europe ‘23

The company is evaluating innovative, catheter-based solutions to transform the way thrombi (clots) are retrieved.
Benny Dilmoney
Benny Dilmoney
CEO, Magneto Thrombectomy Solutions



Benny Dilmoney  0:05  
With afternoon, everyone, thank you for LSI for invite and the creating this wonderful and beautiful ecosystem for investor in companies to meet and talk, so thank you. In this talk I'm going to go on to talk about Magneto. Magneto is a very unique company working in a very interesting area of treatments. We are dealing with what's called thrombectomy, or we are dealing with blood clots. The company is based in Israel, we start as a incubator. And our main statement is that in Magneto, we are positive and you will understand in few minutes why we are positive, we are saving lives. Let's talk about blood clot blood growth trend created in few areas of your body. In case it's small, that are happening in your artery, there are some cases that go up into your brain, this is what's called stroke. If it's a large crowd, that creating in your venous system in your legs started as a DVT, deep vein thrombosis, and at some point can dislodge and end up in your pulmonary artery just right after the heart inside the lung. This is what called pulmonary embolism. So there are a few indication that the company is targeting. For stroke today there are few treatment, it was always the treatment using by TPA analytics agent. In the last few years, there are more and more cases that you're using aspiration catheter, different types of pumps, and the mechanical thrombectomy. This is based on stenting like device that are entering into the trembles capturing the troubles and then pull out into asperation. And the nice thing is that the same thing happened today with PE. PE is let's say 10 years or five years behind the stroke, but same mechanism. It started with latex agent or with conventional treatment of drugs. Later on moving into the direct catheter based latex injection, aspiration and the last actually company that went into IPO three years ago, Inari Medical are using same thing, stent mesh device that capture the cloth and bring it outside the body. And this is something new, this is something very unique. And I actually like to start with this yellow page that you see here. This is an article from 200 years ago 1824, almost 200 years ago, it was this before think about that even before the new worlds that we know but at that time people start understand that inside the blood, there is some electric properties. Since then, we are the first company ever the taking advantage of this unique properties of the blood and actually doing something with that to help patients. The idea is that we are creating a very low field, a low electric field over our catheter that once been attached to the cloth creating you see in this image on the right side you can see the fiber and this is actually a fibrin net that are built during the activation of the catheter and creating the bonding layer between the cloth and our device. So this is actually the mechanism again without jumping into the atom. This is the way we are capturing the cloth and then we can put them outside the body. This is nice demonstration. Some people see they get frightened but this is blood clot. This is a really imagine of blood clot not in human but in animal but you can see the blood clot This is a blood clot that came out from the in this case came out. We intentionally but you see how it's dancing inside the right atrium, go to the right ventricular and then stop in the pulmonary artery and those are the sides we are talking about very large clots. The system that we develop is a full system containing a large bore aspiration. We are talking about a very large tube because he wants to take out take out those large clots together with this unique electric technology that capture the clot and help you bring the clots from distance. You can see in this movie how they large bore aspiration sit in proximately and then our device is bringing the crowds into desperation and then using the vacuum syringe you can immediately evacuate and take out the cloth outside the body. There are few advantage again I will not get One by one. In general, it's a one device that can fit different size of vessel, a large force of attachment. You can use it to organize and different type of cloth. And you don't need to change an exchange with different sizes. It's a one size fit all. We did a clinical study first in human, this study went very successfully, we saw or what the benefit of this device, it's a short learning curve, you can remove different types of clots, fresh and organize. It a safe procedure. With this data, actually, we went to the FDA, but just let's look on this movie. This is actually real movie from human, you can see how the crowd this is the white cloud that you see there, you activate the device, it's a bloody procedure, but that's how they get used to it, you can see the device very clearly in the angel, and then you pull it out. And when you do the vacuum, you make gonna see some clot that are floating inside the blood blue pool over there, and then you can actually bring it to the table. So we did, as I mentioned, patient result was fantastically with all of our patients. The market. One of the great things about the pulmonary embolism is that today, we are just touching a very small portion of the large market. Today, only 10 to 20% are being treated using different types of catheter. And there is a still place for additional 80%. And we're talking about a population of hundreds of 1000s. So this is a very promising market, there is a nice reimbursement for this the procedure and the sales of the device, the average sales price is actually in the high level. For the stroke, same technology, different device. This is a microcatheter based technology, that that the same the same energy. And again, we can use it to advance it inside the cerebral capture the clot, less fragmentation, less scratching or damaging, you don't need to drag against the vessel wall you just nice and smoothly. And you can use it even with a distal more distal vessel. This is one example. By the way, one of the sites that we have is actually here in Barcelona. So we spent a lot of time here waiting to do the procedure. So this is again, this is a result for stroke. The market of stroke again, I will not go into the details. But again, it's also a billion dollar markets and many competitive today and everyone are looking what should be the device that bring you the additional benefit over the existing treatment. The company is now a that IDE approval to start a pivotal study in the US for the PE indication we have sites that are already enroll and we are now is going to start enrolling patient very soon. We did a party we have a strong patent portfolio you can imagine this is very unique technology no one else ever protected. So we have a very strong solid patent and freedom to operate. And we are now in the process of raising $20 million it to do the people that study with the pulmonary embolism device and to get FDA approval. And we got the term sheet by our leading investor that based in Europe and we're looking for additional investment to close this round. The idea is by the year of 2025 to get the FDA approval for the pulmonary embolism device and by 2025 also to get the indication for stroke. Thank you everyone. I still have 20 seconds. So those are the take home message. It's a very unique technology touching unmet need and growing market with some additional additional indication like DVT that are also will be down the road one of our devices. Thank you very much

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