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Ben Trombold, Velentium - Design, Development & Manufacturing for Med Devices | LSI USA '24

Velentium specializes in the end-to-end design, development, manufacturing and post-market support of diagnostic and therapeutic active medical devices, especially active implantables.
Ben Trombold
Ben Trombold
, Velentium

Ben Trombold  0:03  
My name is Ben    Trombold. I'm the VP of Sales and Marketing here at Velentium. And so before I introduce the next set of companies, I just want to give you guys a couple of minutes. So I can introduce who Velentium is and kind of the value that we bring to our customers here in the med device industry. So first and foremost, Velentium is a contract design and manufacturing organization. We focus on design, developing and manufacturing devices all the way from class to wearables all the way up through class to reactive implantables. And everything in between. We specialize in these devices, their customers predominantly targeting indications in the areas of neuromodulation, deep brain stimulation, cardiac and diabetes management. We work with our customers throughout the entire stage of the product development lifecycle, starting with as early as research and feasibility through minimally viable prototypes, animal studies, clinical trials first and human V and V testing, transfer to manufacturing and finally, commercial manufacturing. We have over nine areas of engineering expertise, starting with our core competencies, and electrical, firmware and mechanical development, all wrapped together through systems engineering. But then we also have expertise in the areas of HFT and usability, embedded cybersecurity, mobile apps, including Android and iOS applications, automated test systems, as well as manufacturing. One part were a little bit different. So we have a fully customizable, active implantable platform technology. So this isn't a one size fits all platform, like most people are used to this is fully customizable, so it can be custom tailored to the needs of our customers, as well of their devices. So we have a lot more features that aren't listed here. But some of the ones I want to point out are going to be we can use this incense stim as well as closed loop applications. Our channels can range all the way from one up to 32 power options, we have Pat we have primary cell rechargeable and batteryless options. For communication interfaces. We can include BLE, induction as well as med radio. And then finally all of our devices are compatible with Android and iOS applications that as I've said before, we can develop as well. Finally, with regard to contract manufacturing, actually, as of this week, we will be occupying our brand new 50,000 square foot manufacturing facility located in Houston, Texas. This manufacturing facility is going to allow us to manufacture all things affiliated with active implantable devices, including devices themselves, weeds, electrodes, external power units, chargers, clinician programmers, patient remotes, and much, much more. So if you guys have any questions about any of the capabilities I've described to you today, my colleague Mike lavvy, and I we have a booth right outside this track, we'd be happy to answer as many questions as you guys might have.


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