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Avi Hirsch Presents Vigor Medical at LSI Europe '23

Vigor Medical is developing life-saving technologies and products for the treatment of chest trauma.
Avi Hirsch
Avi Hirsch
Director of Business Development,Vigor Medical



Avi Hirsch  0:03  
Good afternoon. It's a pleasure to be here. I present you Vigor Medical, we develop the C-Lant, which is a life saving technology for thoracic trauma treatment and post operative drainage. I have a special interest in this technology because 20 years ago, I served as a paramedic on the mobile Intensive Care Unit and we were on our way to a hospital after treating a lady with a chest trauma blunt trauma. And on our way to the hospital, of course, there was a traffic jam, and the patient condition deteriorates and she developed attention limit pneumothorax The only treatment for that as a gold standard is a chest tube thoracostomy which involves the surgical procedure in which we have to insert a tube into the chest cavity. Usually this procedure is being performed by highly skilled physicians, thoracic surgeon or trauma surgeons at the time we had it in the ambulance. So I spent about 25 minutes, you know, trying and struggling to try to save this lady's life, I was lucky. But afterwards, they completely removed this treatment from the pre hospital environment. And this is where the C-Lant comes comes from. So we are talking about the chest trauma, which is the fall, which is the leading cause of death until the age of 40. Unfortunately, we have 6 million people dying out of trauma every year 40 million will suffer from permanent injuries and 120 million will suffer from temporary injuries. 25% of them will suffer from a chest trauma, about 20 million of them. And this is the third leading cause of death due to trauma. Or there are 4 million cases of chest trauma that are managed within the chest tubes. Now according to the international guidelines of the PHTLS, the pre hospital trauma life support and the ATLS the advanced trauma life support, we have a window of 60 minutes from the timing of injury until the definitive treatment within the hospital usually or or any kind of surgical intervention to reverse the condition of the patient. So we are we're in stressful situation. Now the chest tube is a really invasive device and it's completely operator dependent. We know today formula searches that it takes years to senior physician to gain expertise in that specific procedure. And fortunately now it's very limited pre hospital, we can hardly find that it is time consuming. And there is also a challenging suture fixation, which again, if you're not an expert in that it's a it's a big big headache. There are up to 40% complication. The majority of them is because of tube tube occlusion due to kinking and Ulation clot, debris, you can see lag in dunk tissue. Also the drain can can be dislodged or air leaks that are only in the US over 1 million chest tubes are performed yearly, but not in the ambulance settings. Unfortunately, now the intervention to fix it are very, very costly and consume a lot of time. So basically, we develop this sealant that can treat chest trauma, blunt or penetrating. And it's the prototype is already already done and manufactured the feasibility was proven in lab and in vivo. And now we are transferring from r&d to mass production and it is IP protected. Now, our customers we're going to have to expand it as it used to be before to our to EMS services ambulance services, military, medical corpse, even Trump even disaster organizations today have all kinds of agencies waiting to take care of mass casualty incidents or disaster management. It enables the speed the treatment and life threatening conditions in the field discuss the cost effective, and it was published that only in the EU. The repeated procedures due to disposable procedure time cost about $2.6 billion every year. We now can take somebody that is not highly skilled physician, you can have end users such as paramedics or tactical medics and nurses. So they can be able to provide this specific intervention pre hospital quickly. It takes about it is self fixated to the chest wall thickness and it takes five to 10 seconds to fixate it which is extremely fast. And it's very easy to train the healthcare providers with implementing that less than 15 minutes something like that. And of course for the patient, we can put them again in the in the 80% chances of success of getting the definitive treatment in the in the in their trauma. It's an  immediate homeostatis as is an a good solution for that. Unfortunately, what we can see here, this is the chest tube, which this is this is the gold standard. The gold standard today. You can see it's a lot of surgical equipment that usually is being done in the operation theater or the ICU or the trauma room, but it has no self accession capabilities. It is is not user friendly, we are hermetic seal. It's something that's very difficult to get because of the suturing. It is cost effective in the very safe insertion. What we can see to the right hand side these are just alternatives to gain some time until the patient reaches the hospital. So the needle the compression and the chest seal have just temporary efforts of taking care of that. So what we are doing until today, we are going to submit to the FDA next year and to conclude our regulatory and ISO and also we are going to initiate the multicenter medical trials which is required from the MDR for Europe. And we also started to talking about with manufacturers of chest tube devices and other emergency medical services kits and two huge distributors, such as North American rescue or safeguard until today, the company raised $3.7 million and we got non dilutive this year from the grant from the EIC of $2.7 million and we are seeking additional $2 million to take us for to around A. In addition, we can have additional 7.2 million euros from the EIC later on in 2025 later on. So, as you can see the market this is the immediate market is about 1.5 billion US dollars today, and the market increase every year by more than 5% is basically due to more diseases that you can see lung disease and also cancer. There is an age ageing of the population, unfortunately war and natural disasters. So we can see increase in that as well. With future products such as abdominal ports that we are considering to put into the pipeline, the market can be increased to more than 3 billion US dollars, are we expecting to be able to get to be profitable in 2027 and to reach a revenues of $67 million by 2030. Now additional indication, as I mentioned before, can be thoracic port, not for drainage but for other applications as well. Laparoscopic robotic surgery, drainage for abdominal cavity and neurosurgery. So you can see that and also, we can use the same concept and technology with other EMS devices such as needle for emergency blood occlusion, fractured ribs and fixation device. So this is our team. Our very I'm very proud to be among this team. It's being led by a Lena Cavenoffski. She has over 20 years of experience in medtech companies, VCs, in hospitals. Iniga Wiseman is over 35 years in the in the business and he has about 15 grant patents and we have John Abolist with 14 is a doctor with 14 years of experience in private public healthcare companies with 10 exits. We are a Dr. Vicone, he's a thoracic surgeon, and he is highly a well versed in the medtech industry with a long career in Israel and the United States. Amile is the CFO, he has lots of experience in m&a, fundraising and financial management. We have surveyed Scientific Advisory Board that says all kinds of physicians from the ICU to trauma, EMS, abdominal surgery, even neurosurgery and we introduced the technology to dozens of others. Doctors from various disciplines and they are very eager to start using our technology once it will be accepted. So thank you very much and I will be very happy to see you joining our journey. Thank you

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