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Andrea Mazza Presents medSniper at LSI Europe '23

medSniper is a single-use video laryngoscope that features a steerable tip that is intended to improve airway visualization and management.
Andrea Mazza
Andrea Mazza
CEO, MedSniper



Andrea Mazza  0:05  
Okay, so we're talking about medSniper today. medSniper was founded four years ago. And in Turin, and we talk about I am an anesthesiologist that we're talking about our problem. Our problem is a Alterac intubation, as you probably know, but we make a little recap tracheal intubation is something where you have to use your strength to stretch the tissues and to align your eyes with vocal cords to place the tube. It's it's a procedure that is traumatic or not only on the throat, but maybe traumatic on the neck may be traumatic for the neck in an accidental motorcycle. Moreover, we have a low rate of success in emergencies. And this is a problem rotate, have success even first attempt, we mean, in obese patients we are getting more and more important in the in our life in surgery. And, you know, the problem is that our brain has only six minutes of oxygen, when it starts having damages, it started having neurological damages, which is important because neurological damages Go Go on and long term impact on life and a big cause for society. So we tried to have a solution. Well, in other part important of the problem was that when someone intubated to make an intubation inside an operating room, you know, as an anesthesiologist as MI, is highly skilled and is an acquired situation. But wet is incredibly different. When you're outside in the hospital, you have an accident and you have a paramedic or nurse or a non skilled doctor. And so that's important because you know, that lowering of the rate of success or first attempt leads you to a proxemic damages to your brain. And so, we wanted to have a solution that solution is something just this device, which you see, which is easy to use for the operator cost effective, smaller lighter, and we wanted to have a faster procedure, but moreover to be non traumatic. So, you see the blue part there is a part backbends we call it the serial part when you insert it inside the throat of the patient, the end you move the lever, but I will let you see the the stable part of it lifts up and alliances with vocal cords. So you do not have to stretch the patient you do not have to damage the teeth you do not have to damage to the neck, you do not have to have a raise in arterial pressure, which is another important thing, because as you know, you can have a high arterial pressure but if you had an accident, maybe your hemorrhagic situation would be worse. And so our solution is CE certified according with MDR. We are certified since end of 2022. And now we'll spend a few words afterwards and we are the possibility to use it with a medical grade monitor which we give with the device but the device can be used even with mobiles with tablets and you can use it you will be able to use it from the beginning of 2024 we have a custom property medSnipers' monitor which allows you to make a video call. So for example, we will have we will be the first in this field to move towards telemedicine or between the first move. And so, if you're a rookie Doctor trying to perform this difficult intubation, you are in danger maybe you can call your senior your senior is quiet in the office and they will help you because you see is both the cameras, the one inside intubation and the one outside to see the environment and so it can help you and we believe that this will be an important feature to improve the procedure, okay, it's obviously a single use and it has a guiding channel. So, there is st lat usually that you use and with this device you do not need it. So, another important thing is that you see usually usually we we use, where is it can you use your English scope we use the laryngoscopic 10 years ago, that was the standard but laryngoscope is all of steel going on on the tissues going on the teeth. Now we have video laryngoscope with a video camera, but we still have a rate of success which is not completed and the possibility to make that the necessity to make the maneuver and so the possibility to be traumatic. Best of all should be who would be the fiberscope but fiberscope is expensive and you need a doctor with a very high skill for routine in a very, very high skill for emergency. So, you usually do not have that doctor in the emergency situation you have to look for it and settle the situation otherwise you do not have it. So, what we imagined is to have the two features being half of your English scope and alpha fiberscope. And we placed your angel mask why because at the moment in emergency, you have to place by laryngeal masks. Why because laryngeal masks is something which is not correct is not intubation, but it helps you and it can provide some oxygen. But if we have something that improves it, well, probably we will place the tube again. So, this is a competitor travel van with you will find it on the site. And today we produce it internally we have external consultants made making every part of it. And so we make the business, we produce it in Italy. And obviously, we are now shifting the production because we're still producing it in manufacturing in 3d printing industrial flippin why? Because in Ireland pH Well, why because we, during COVID, we could not test it on human, but but it was very difficult to play something inside the front of the patient. So we decided to have 3d printing to start one year ago with hospitals selected hospitals have feedbacks change and make it better eliminate mistakes. And now we're ready with the ultimate versions with is going to the market really, and to creating injection molds to go on with a mass production and the cost reduction. What's our strategy, and as you saw here, we have a distributors agreement for nine countries in Europe. And we started selling it and creating the clinical studies and creating the channels to when we hope in the future tenders. So about tenders, that's why tenders and changing, factoring. That's why in the first two years, we have low numbers, because you have to know in public hospitals to win tender tenders. And then you will be able to enter effectively the market of it. And but we were confident about at the beginning of 2025, we will be in the situation of of breakeven. So we're now we're asking for investment, obviously, and how our use of funds as you see here, our use of funds will be made to strengthen the team, we were lucky because at the beginning of our life, we had some business angels becoming a part an important part of our business company. So we had high scale skilled entrepreneurs from the beginning. That was important. And now we had to strengthen the team to let business angel become business and just again, and we want to make FDA you obviously we want to change production and want to go to the market and have market validation. And everything. Well concludes it. Okay, so our team is seven people is seven people, even because we have all a lot of parts of assembly production, manufacturing, r&d for the part of display monitoring and whatever externalized. So again, this is our distributor, who is doing all the commercial parts, we will say sports, we will say we have agents, and these are the countries where they have an exclusive distribution where there can be more countries in the future. This is the first study multicentric made by European airway management society. And you know, this is the patent and versus the patent. Now we have national stage Europe, USA, China, Japan and Canada. And you know, this is the technology. You see you placing this side, no maneuver, you flex the tip and you place the job. I'd say that invests in alpha. Thank everybody for the patient and attention

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