Alberto Rodriguez-Navarro Presents Levita Magnetics at LSI USA ‘23

The Levita Magnetic Surgical System is an innovative technological platform that utilizes magnetic retraction designed to grasp and retract tissue and organs in laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures to facilitate access and visualization of the surgical site.
Alberto Rodriguez-Navarro
Alberto Rodriguez-Navarro
CEO, Levita Magnetics


Alberto Rodriguez-Navarro  0:05  

I am Alberto Rodriguez-Navarro. I am a minimal invasive surgeon. And I have been in practice for more than 10 years. And then I decided to start my clinical practice. And I started with with Levita. Because the problem that we're facing is something that I saw in the clinic. The issue that we're addressing is that for each surgery perform, there are three other patients waiting. patients waiting means that they can put quality of life, they have complications, and also they they die. So there is estimation that 20 million people die, because we are not able, as a society to provide with they needed a surgery. And that's the issue that if you see the current robots are not really designed to solve this big problem. And that's why we saw the opportunity. And that's why we are doing with we'd love it, because the mission of our company is helping surgeons provide better surgery, but for more patients can really increase the availability of surgery, but also having like a better procedure. And that's turned us to this big question that why robots are not more in the 4%. In, in the old cases. And it's because it's a it's a design problem, because I mean, the the DaVinci, who develop this discuss the current concept of robotics, took out the surgeon, put it in this big console, bring a very sophisticated and complex robot that actually replaced the surgeon in the sterile field. And also you need highly trained assistant next to the patient with a sterile field and in many cases is another surgeon. So the concept behind this way of looking at robotics is to move a case that is like open to middle invasive, but actually is not the sign that the surgeon perform more surgeries. So that's why it's this kind of like concept that robotics right now is kind of like saturated in terms of where they are in the market. So that where we see the opportunity that can be improved. So that's our approach is totally new. This is our robot is a two arm robot, that one of the arms leverage or magnetic technology is I want to show what are the benefits, and the other one gives the control to the surgeon of the of the camera, the visualisation, take advantage of the robotics of the stability, the control, and that is like a new approach that we are developing. So that's why we are developing the concept of Mars that is magnetic assisted robotic surgeon. Now the concept is making the surgeon better. We leverage as I mentioned, our magnetic technology that actually what that brings is the probability of of making the procedure less invasive, reducing the number of physicians that actually say is the benefit for the patient, plus robotics that give the independency and efficiency for the surgeon with a better way of controlling the camera and more or more a study where you have have seen in the procedure. So the magnetic technology, how it works, mostly it's enabled reduction in number of incisions. This you can see here since this is showing in in in bariatric procedures, we deploy our inner peace and then with external magnet, we're able to generate move inside of the cavity. The benefit of this is that you can create very control movement enabled to move the needle in terms of having like a procedure that it was less incision that actually is the benefit for the patient. And as I mean, as I mentioned, magnetics is a very transformational technology because if you compare with other traditional laparoscopic techniques, magnets really give you a freedom to go from one side to the other up and down is a new way of doing the procedure in a less invasive way. So that's the advantage of our our platform is that we keep the surgeon in the sterile field next to the patient. So you don't need that console. So you don't use too much space in the in the war. But also I believe that when the surgeon is slightly touching the patient there's a connection and also is safer is less invasive. As I mentioned with the with the magnetic components we reduce the number of incisions that are released, there is a clinical benefit for the patient we can reduce from one to three incision depending on the technique, very easy to to adopt, it's very easy to learn. Also we leverage instruments that we have in the in the EUR USD is really versatile we do not have a console is very easy to to move, very easy to setup and also is designed to work very nicely in the outpatient ambulatory surgical setting that is the is the is the big trend for the most of the abdominal procedures. So we are the only ones who develop could develop this what we call the triple impact because we bring benefit to the patient, the surgeon I Also the administration for the patient, as I mentioned is less incision that brings less pain, less we for opioids, faster recovery, a lesser scar Cirrhosis is an issue very important for for patients. For the surgeon, you have a better visualization, you have full control of sort of the entrance, so you don't you don't rely on an assistant. And also this will increase the productivity for the surgery center, you use less labor. And the interesting thing that we have seen is that you reduce the labor during the OR, but as the patient has less pain, less use of opioids, it needs less care after the procedure. So you reduce in both sides, the labor, very clear differentiation for attracting patients, because robotics or magnets are very attractive for for for patients, and, as I mentioned, is designed for the Ambulatory Surgical setting. Here we have a video of the first cases that we have conducted. And you can see here, we have the gallbladder being pulled up by the inner piece, and the surgeon is moving the external memory in order to do the connection and pulling up the gallbladder and creating strangulation in order to do the procedure. After the the surgical setting is set, the surgeon keep the two hands free in order to perform the procedure. And he will adjust the camera as you can see that also the camera is very stable is what you need, what you what is the worst for us that someone is like kind of like shaking the camera. So this gives you stability. And that is provided by by the by the robot. This is the picture of the backstage we keep the assistant because it's clinical trial. And actually these are real, real pictures that you don't need the assistant and not the thing that this is another surgeon that could be doing another procedure. We just published this first experience of the first cases it was published in Annals of surgery, one of the most prestigious surgical journals. And this one's experience of the first 30 surgeries you know the cases we reduce the number of incisions it was focusing bariatrics because that's our entry point to the market, but also work performed acute gall bladders and also a same day discharge gallbladders This is a picture of a case study was done around like one month ago. And he took 28 minutes. This really demonstrate that our robot helps in order to live procedure fast. And that's our goal. Make the surgeons who are fast faster. We are we also have the luxury of being able to be working with recognized clinic leaders from the Cleveland Clinic from Duke. And that's our goal to develop good publications in turn for demonstrate that what we're doing is is good. So to finalize, we believe that everyone deserves robotics. But first it has to bring patient benefit that we don't have to lose the focus that the robot has to bring a clinical or meaningful clinical impact. It has to be easy to be trained, it has to be affordable in order to be a massive of massive use. It has to adapt to the current workflow is the 100 workflow in order to work with the robot, and finally to increase the access to patients to surgeon. So well thank you very much. We are located in Silicon Valley. Anybody who wants to have more information about our business model or more details about us. Happy to chat. Thank you very much


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