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October Emerging Medical Technologies Report

Published January 2013 | 39 Pages | 59 Exhibits |


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This report includes details on 59 emerging medical technology companies that have been identified by LSI's in-house research team in October 2013.

All companies include technology, market(s), key executive, and contact information.

Coverage includes innovations in a broad spectrum of medical technology areas including:
- Aesthetics/Dermatology Companies
- Biomaterials Companies
- Biotechnology/Cell Therapy Companies
- Cardiovascular Companies
- Dental Companies
- Diagnostics Companies
- Drug Delivery Companies
- Endocrine Companies
- Gastroenterology Companies
- Gynecology/Women's Health Companies
- Imaging Companies
- Neurology Companies
- Oncology Companies
- Ophthalmology Companies
- Orthopedics Companies
- Pain Management Companies
- Patient Management/Monitoring Companies
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- Respiratory Companies
- Spine Companies
- Surgery Companies
- Urology Companies
- Vascular Companies
- Wound Management Companies

This report is automatically provided to subscribers of LSI's Emerging Medical Technologies® Database.


Table of Contents


•1-Brachytherapy bone cement that accurately provides radiation therapy directly to the bone tumor site in a single procedure, while simultaneously restoring bone strength and 2-Bone-cutting device with retractable blades that is capable of passing through a cannula to access the inner vertebral body for void creation
•1-Orthopedic implant technology, including demineralized bone matrix, sponge, allograft, and calcium phosphate products to help stimulate bone regrowth; 2-An adult stem cell line targeting patients with spinal cord injuries, orthopedic injuries and traumatic wounds; and 3-An electrically conductive surface for polymer implants traditionally used in spinal surgery
•1-Smart implantable infusion pump that enables local drug delivery with the potential to avoid elimination by the liver, 2-Nano-biosensor for the early detection of tumor biomarker VEGF-165 as well as viable pathogenic bacteria (E. coli O157:H7), 3-Intelligent tool for use during brain surgery, 4-Implanted infusion device for stimulating bone growth during spinal fusion procedures, and 5-Drug-dispensing dental implant for use with many different medications to treat a wide variety of conditions
•3D image-based surgical guides that make guided surgery technically and economically feasible for all dental implant surgeons
•A catheter used to remove stroke-related intracerebral hemorrhage blood clots in the brain in minutes and improve patient outcomes, that is compatible with familiar neuronavigation imaging equipment; the tip includes an ultrasound proximity sensor to help surgeons avoid healthy brain tissue
•A device for greatly reducing the pain of both lancet and insulin injection procedures in daily diabetes management; can be used for initiation of intravenous lines, blood draws and intramuscular injections for vaccines
•A miniaturized, point-of-care (POC) diagnostics platform; initial test panels target the chronic disease management market including diabetes, heart disease, thyroid function and chronic kidney disease, with a finger prick of a patient's blood, and clinical results within minutes
•A synthetic class of diagnostic and therapeutic agents with antibody-like properties, called protein-catalyzed capture agents (PCCs), which offer the promise of improved selectivity, superior binding affinity, fully synthetic composition and low molecular weight compared to monoclonal antibodies, the current standard for identifying biomarkers in most diagnostics platforms - and in many therapeutic uses
•An implantable intraocular lens (IOL) to treat presbyopia and restore youthful vision to anyone over the age of 45 without spectacles, contact lenses and LASIK; procedure is exactly like modern cataract surgery and requires no new surgical skills
•An intuitive system which will enable surgeons to harvest autologous bone graft (autograft) utilizing a minimally invasive approach
•Antibody-based cancer medicines
•Automated lumbar drainage system for cranial and spinal surgery
•Blood collection device that is indicated to reduce the frequency and unnecessary expense of blood culture contamination when collecting blood specimens, and the added costs of false-positive tests
•Catheter technology platform designed to combine lung imaging - using the world's smallest surgical camera - physiologic metrics, in vivo diagnostics, recannulation and in vivo drug delivery into a micro invasive surgical solution for lung cancer and other pulmonary diseases such as asthma
•Cost-effective, high-resolution, positron emission tomography (PET) scanner to detect tumors of small size, with higher resolution (1-2 mm) and higher sensitivity (x10) than features currently unmet by the market
•Cryoablation technology that is capable of treating hypertension by denervation of the renal artery; is superior to heat technologies due to its clinical safety, ease of use and lower cost
•"Digestible Balloon" technology for the treatment of obesity; produced from food grade materials, the capsules are easily ingestible and self-inflate within the acidic environment of the stomach, and will not pass beyond the stomach for several weeks; pre-clinical technology promises the simplicity of pharmaceutical dosage with the weight loss profile of bariatric techniques
•Drugs for treating diseases with high unmet need, including orphan products
•Drugs to treat chronic inflammatory diseases by blocking the cycle of injury and response
•Drugs with a regenerative mechanism of action to restore neurological function and improve quality of life for patients with spinal cord injury and neurotrauma
•Early pregnancy predictive blood test given at 15 weeks for pre-eclampsia, a disease of late pregnancy characterized by the concomitant occurrence of hypertension and proteinuria, leading to restricted blood supply to the fetus
•Electro-mechanical intracranial pressure shunt platform that greatly advances the control of cerebrospinal fluid (or lumbar) drainage due to acute hydrocephalus, traumatic brain injury, tumors and infections, while minimizing the most frequent mechanical causes of device failure
•Externally applied, non-invasive device that maintains an open airway in sedated or anesthetized patients without the need for airway instrumentation
•Full range of orthopedic immobilization and cast room products
•Genetic tests and tools to help people make better treatment and lifestyle choices
•Handheld radio frequency (RF) reader that can detect markers embedded in the body, with applications in: pre-operative image-guided tumor localization and monitoring of endotracheal tube position
•Heat-stable vaccines that can be shipped and stored without refrigeration
•Hip, knee, and shoulder joint replacements made with advanced materials
•Improved fixation products for orthopedic surgery
•Information technology to enable hospitals to share underutilized non-emergency medical equipment and instrumentation between locations within a multi-hospital network
•Intravenous sensor specifically for tight glycemic control (TGC) in the critical care market
In vitro blood stem cell toxicity testing
•Low-cost, wearable atrial fibrillation (Afib) electrode monitoring device that is placed on a patient's chest as a small adhesive bandage to record a heartbeat for up to a week via a removable memory cell; detects Afib by interpreting electrocardiogram patterns using a patented algorithm
•Marker with a pre-inked tip that places highly accurate marks on the cornea for Premium Toric intraocular lens (IOL) cataract surgery
•Medical device that increases the concentration of cancer cells in urine samples, so that deadly bladder cancer may be detected earlier; is a belt-shaped device that is placed over a patient's abdomen and controlled, low-energy, painless vibrational energy is applied directed towards the bladder
•Minimally invasive, leadless implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) technology designed with pediatric patients in mind; employs two shock plates implanted on the front pectoral muscle on the right side of the chest and the rib area on the left side of the chest which are connected externally to a battery and generator, with GPS and Bluetooth capabilities
•Multiple small molecules that are osteoinductive for musculoskeletal tissue regeneration
•Nano sensor device for ultra-fast low-cost genome sequencing, with applications in: point-of-care diagnostics, predictive diagnostics, personalized diagnostics, and prognostics
•New generation of broad spectrum anti-nausea, anti-vomiting, and anti-motion sickness drugs that are effective across multiple emetic stimuli, with reduced or no anxiety-related side effects
•Next-generation device to treat mitral regurgitation without open-heart surgery and with the flexibility to adjust post-implantation
•Non-invasive intracranial pressure monitor for use in neurosurgery, neurology, emergency medicine, and critical care; first product is an earbuds-like disposable unit that is placed in the patient's ears - the device generates an acoustic signal that is circulated through the head and then is picked up in the other ear using an acoustic sensor - data generated from the signal can then be analyzed in real-time from a tablet or smartphone
•Non-invasive prenatal diagnostics to diagnose fetomaternal hemorrhage (FMH), a devastating and poorly understood pregnancy complication, and to bring time-intensive tests from the lab bench to the patients' bedside
•Non-invasive, bioelectronics magnetic stimulation device for the treatment of neurological disorders, with advantages over existing treatment options, including lower cost and more precise stimulation
•Off-the-shelf treatments based on tissue engineering and progenitor cell science to treat patients suffering from intervertebral disc diseases
•Optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology to provide breast surgeons and pathologists with near real-time imaging of a cancer tumor for assessment of tumor margins during breast-conserving lumpectomies
•Patient-friendly, precisely controllable medical solutions for the treatment of skeletal deformities, including for the complication-prone, uncomfortable limb-lengthening procedure
•Portable, full-body enclosure that uses elevated barometric pressure therapy for reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling from a number of disorders, with no known side effects and with many advantages over hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), including cost
•Portable, self-contained strep throat screening technology that tests patients in 30 seconds, in any setting and for less than a third of the cost of a doctor's appointment; future applications may include testing for influenza, chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, and other infections
•Portfolio of drugs for the treatment of diabetes, hypertriglyceridemia, and dyslipidemia
•Post-operative oncology pathology platform using state-of-the-art gel-based biomaterials to stabilize and encapsulate tissue; for uniform tissue sectioning; for rapid formalin fixation; and to preserve specimens without damaging tissue structure
•Range of products and methods for minimally invasive endoscopic spinal surgery
•Rapid and label-free chip-based biological assay platform for measuring clinical and point-of-care (POC) samples within minutes, ranging from allergy testing to cancer diagnostics; technology is fully arrayable, potentially allowing hundreds of tests to be run simultaneously on a single chip
•Real-time 3D volumetric imaging of the heart during aortic valve repair, mitral valve repair, and atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation
•Small, lightweight, and flexible self-adhesive strips that measure physiological parameters simultaneously and record the results or transmit them to tablets, computers, or wearable devices
•Solution for targeted delivery of fluids, including radiopaque material and therapeutic agents, to selected sites in the peripheral vascular system at high concentration to specific visceral organs - safely and without perfusion overlap to other organs; targets include pancreatic cancer
•Sterile, single-dose, injectable medications in prefilled, vacuum-triggered, one-handed, single-use, auto-retractable and auto-disabled syringes; designed to improve patient and caregiver safety while reducing risk and liability in the healthcare setting
•System for real-time, on-table assessment during percutaneous interventions to treat peripheral vascular disease (PVD) that will provide clinicians with quantitative readouts of microcirculatory perfusion
•Ultrasound guidance of neurosurgery catheter placement, using a small ultrasound transducer placed on the distal end of a catheter coupled with a display and microprocessor built into an ergonomic handle; enables surgeons to place a ventricular catheter into a patient's brain with dramatically increased precision
•Vascular occlusion and embolization devices


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